arctan with two arguments
When inverting the polar coordinates, one needs the
arc tan function ( arctan
with two arguments
If (x,y)∈ℝ2∖{0}, then
is defined as the angle (x,y) makes with
the positive x-axis.
One usually sees expressions like arctan(y/x),
which is equal to arctan(x,y) when (x,y) is in the first quadrant.
However, arctan(y/x) does not give the correct angle when (x,y)
is in the third quadrant (since y/x=(-y)/(-x)).
Also, the quotient y/x involves a division by zero when x=0,
which is damaging both numerically and mathematically.
In most mathematical software and programming languages the two-argument arctan is directly implemented.
In Python language the functions atan(x) and atan2(x,y) are the respective one and two argument versions of arctan. The point of having the two argument version is to determine the correct quadrant of the point. For instance, 1/1=1=-1/-1, so atan(x) cannot distinguish between (1,1) and (-1,-1), but atan2(x,y) can, as the following Python code illustrates:
\PMlinkescapetext{ >>> from math import * >>> print atan(1) 0.785398163397 >>> print atan2(1,1) 0.785398163397 >>> print atan2(-1,-1) -2.3619449019 }
because (1,1) has argument π/4=0.7853… but (-1,-1) has argument -3π/4=-2.3619….
Analytic properties
In mathematical works, arctan(x,y) is simply denoted by θ(x,y). The symbol θ obviously refers to the angle, but it is really the function h2, where
g(r,θ)=(rcosθ,rsinθ),h(x,y)=g-1(x,y)=(r,θ). |
The function g:ℝ2→ℝ2 is the polar-to-Cartesian coordinate transformation.
By the inverse function theorem
, the function h (the Cartesian-to-polar coordinate transformation) exists and is smooth wherever it is defined.
Note that h cannot be defined continuously everywhere, because of the multi-valued nature of θ — (r,θ) and (r,θ+2πn) always map to the same point under g.
(Similarly, θ cannot defined when r=√x2+y2=0.)
This means, if one chases a loop (say a circle) around the origin, θ would move
from 0 to 2π, even though the image point g(r,θ) winds back to the starting point.
Technically, a “largest” possible domain of h (and θ) can only be taken to be some simply connected open subset of ℝ2∖{0}. (Note: ℝ2∖{0} itself is not simply connected.) For example, such a domain might be ℝ2∖{(x,y):x≤0}, i.e. delete the negative real axis from ℝ2.
The exterior derivative of θ is
dθ=-yx2+y2dx+xx2+y2dy, |
(found by implicit differentiation),
and hence
∂θ∂x=-yx2+y2,∂θ∂y=xx2+y2 |
(which can also be found by differentiating arctan(y/x) directly and piecing the results for each quadrant).
Of course, the formulas above are only valid wherever θ is defined,
but the analytical expressions do not change no matter which domain of definition is taken for θ.
This allows for the following neat formula
to find the total variation
of angle of a smooth curve γ:[a,b]→ℝ2∖{0}:
∫γ𝑑θ=∫baγ*𝑑θ=∫ba(-y˙xx2+y2+x˙yx2+y2)𝑑t. |
(This is related to the formula for the winding number
and the argument principle in complex analysis.)
For example, if γ(t)=(rcost,rsint), for t∈[0,2πn], is the circle that winds around the origin n times, then ∫γ𝑑θ=2πn.
Title | arctan with two arguments |
Canonical name | operatornamearcTanWithTwoArguments |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:18:19 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:18:19 |
Owner | matte (1858) |
Last modified by | matte (1858) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | matte (1858) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 51M04 |
Classification | msc 51-01 |
Synonym | angle function |