Definition of the permanent
Let M be an nΓn matrix over a field (or even a commutative ring) π¨π₯, and Mij its entries (with i ranging over a set I and j over a set J, each of n elements).
The permanent of M, denoted by , is given by
where is the set of all bijections . Usually and are identified with each other (and with the set of the first natural numbers, traditionally skipping 0) so that consists of the elements of the symmetric group
, the group of permutations
of objects.
In words: we want products of each time matrix elements chosen
such that thereβs one from each row and also one from each column .
There are ways to pick those elements (for any permutation of the
column indices relative to the row indices take the elements that end
up in diagonal position). The permanent is the sum of those products.
E.g. ()
@ O O O @ O O O @ @ O O O @ O O O @
O @ O + O O @ + @ O O + O O @ + @ O O + O @ O
O O @ @ O O O @ O O @ O O O @ @ O O
Comparison with the determinant
It is closely related to one of the ways to define the determinant,
where is the symmetry group of (isomorphic to ); the sign is for even permutations
and for odd ones.
E.g. ()
@ O O O @ O O O @ @ O O O @ O O O @
O @ O + O O @ + @ O O - O O @ - @ O O - O @ O
O O @ @ O O O @ O O @ O O O @ @ O O
Note two important differences though.
While the determinant enjoys the property that , the permanent has no such nice arithmetic properties.
In the definition of the determinant, we must have i.e. we must have a particular way in mind of matching rows to columns. A matrix to transform from one basis to another would be an example where this match is arbitrary. Different conventions which row goes with which column give two different values (one times the other) for the determinant. By contrast, the permanent is well defined for any and .
In the representation theory of groups (where the field is ) determinant and permanent are special cases of the immanent (there is an immanent for every character of ).
Some properties of the permanent
These follow immediately from the definition:
The permanent is βmultilinearβ in the rows and columns (i.e. linear in every one of them).
It is βhomogeneous of degree β, i.e. , where is a scalar (i.e. element of ).
When and are permutation matrices
, .
If only has nonnegative entries, then
Equality is attained
(with value 0) when the products (of entries, one from each row and from each column) that contribute to det and per are all zero. This happens whenever a whole column or row is zero, but also for instance in
when the permutations used are all even (which implies only one is used). This happens in a diagonal matrix
, but also for instance in
Permanents find application in combinatorics, e.g. in enumerating Latin
See also Van der Waerdenβs permanent conjecture (now a theorem) for doubly stochastic matrices (where is ).
Note: some authors define something for non-square matrices they also call βpermanentβ.
Title | permanent |
Canonical name | Permanent |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:05:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:05:39 |
Owner | marijke (8873) |
Last modified by | marijke (8873) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | marijke (8873) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 15A15 |
Related topic | Immanent |
Related topic | Determinant2 |