predictable process
A predictable process is a real-valued stochastic process whose values are known, in a sense, just in advance of time. Predictable processes are also called previsible.
1 predictable processes in discrete time
Suppose we have a filtration ( (ℱn)n∈ℤ+ on a measurable space
(Ω,ℱ). Then a stochastic process Xn is predictable if Xn is ℱn-1-measurable ( for every n≥1 and X0 is ℱ0-measurable. So, the value of Xn is known at the previous time step. Compare with the definition of adapted processes for which Xn is ℱn-measurable.
2 predictable processes in continuous time
In continuous time, the definition of predictable processes is a little more subtle. Given a filtration (ℱt) with time index t ranging over the non-negative real numbers, the class of predictable processes forms the smallest set of real valued stochastic processes containing all left-continuous ℱt-adapted processes and which is closed under taking limits of a sequence of processes.
Equivalently, a real-valued stochastic process
X:ℝ+×Ω→ℝ | ||
(t,ω)↦Xt(ω) |
is predictable if it is measurable with respect to the predictable sigma algebra ℘. This is defined as the smallest σ-algebra on ℝ+×Ω making all left-continuous and adapted processes measurable.
Alternatively, ℘ is generated by either of the following collections of subsets of ℝ+×Ω
℘ | =σ({(t,∞)×A:t≥0,A∈ℱt}∪{{0}×A:A∈ℱ0}) | ||
=σ({(T,∞):T is a stopping time}∪{{0}×A:A∈ℱ0}) | |||
=σ({[T,∞):T is a predictable stopping time}) |
Note that in these definitions, the sets (T,∞) and [T,∞) are stochastic intervals, and subsets of ℝ+×Ω.
3 general predictable processes
The definition of predictable process given above can be extended to a filtration (ℱt) with time index t lying in an arbitrary subset 𝕋 of the extended real numbers. In this case, the predictable sets form a σ-algebra on 𝕋×Ω. If 𝕋 has a minimum element t0 then let S be the collection of sets of the form {t0}×A for A∈ℱt0, otherwise let S be the empty set.Then, the predictable σ-algebra is defined by
℘=σ({(t,∞]×A:t∈𝕋,A∈ℱt}∪S)=σ({(T,∞]:T:Ω→𝕋 is a stopping time}∪S). |
Here, (t,∞] and (T,∞] are understood to be intervals containing only times in the index set 𝕋. If 𝕋 is an interval of the real numbers then ℘ can be equivalently defined as the σ-algebra generated by the class of left-continuous and adapted processes with time index ranging over 𝕋.
A stochastic process X:𝕋×Ω→ℝ is predictable if it is ℘-measurable. It can be verified that in the cases where 𝕋=ℤ+ or 𝕋=ℝ+ then this definition agrees with the ones given above.
Title | predictable process |
Canonical name | PredictableProcess |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:36:30 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:36:30 |
Owner | gel (22282) |
Last modified by | gel (22282) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | gel (22282) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 60G07 |
Related topic | PredictableStoppingTime |
Related topic | ProgressivelyMeasurableProcess |
Related topic | OptionalProcess |
Defines | predictable |
Defines | previsible |