preservation of uniform integrability
Let (Ω,ℱ,ℙ) be a measure space. Then, a uniformly integrable set S of measurable functions
f:Ω→ℝ will remain uniformly integrable if it is enlarged by various operations
, such as taking convex combinations and conditional expectations. The following theorem lists some of the operations which preserve uniform integrability.
Suppose that S is a bounded and uniformly integrable subset of L1. Let S′ be the smallest set containing S such that all of the following conditions are satisfied. Then, S′ is also a bounded and uniformly integrable subset of L1.
S′ is absolutely convex. That is, if f,g∈S′ and a,b∈ℝ are such that |a|+|b|≤1 then af+bg∈S′.
If f∈S′ and |g|≤|f| then g∈S′.
S′ is closed under convergence in measure
. That is, if fn∈S′ converge in measure to f, then f∈S′.
If f∈S′ and 𝒢 is a sub-σ-algebra of ℱ such that μ|𝒢 is σ-finite, then the conditional expectation 𝔼μ[f∣𝒢] is in S′.
To prove this we use the condition that the set S is uniformly integrable if and only if there is a convex and symmetric function Φ:ℝ→[0,∞) such that Φ(x)/|x|→∞ as |x|→∞ and
∫Φ(f)𝑑μ |
is bounded over all f∈S (see equivalent conditions for uniform integrability). Suppose that it is bounded by K>0. Also, by replacing Φ by Φ(x)+|x| if necessary, we may suppose that Φ(x)≥|x|. Then, let ˉS be
ˉS={f∈L1:∫Φ(f)𝑑μ≤K}, |
which is a bounded and uniformly integrable subset of L1 containing S. To prove the result, it just needs to be shown that ˉS is closed under each of the operations listed above, as that will imply S′⊆ˉS.
First, the convexity and symmetry of Φ gives
∫Φ(af+bg)𝑑μ≤∫(|a|Φ(f)+|b|Φ(g))𝑑μ=|a|∫Φ(f)𝑑μ+|b|∫Φ(g)𝑑μ≤K |
for any f,g∈ˉS and a,b∈ℝ with |a|+|b|≤1. So, af+bg∈ˉS. Similarly, if |g|≤|f| and f∈ˉS then Φ(g)≤Φ(f) and, g∈ˉS.
Now suppose that fn∈ˉS converge in measure to f. Then Fatou’s lemma gives,
∫Φ(f)𝑑μ≤lim inf |
so, .
Finally suppose that and . Using Jensen’s inequality,
so .
Title | preservation of uniform integrability |
Canonical name | PreservationOfUniformIntegrability |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:40:20 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:40:20 |
Owner | gel (22282) |
Last modified by | gel (22282) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | gel (22282) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 28A20 |