probability transition function
A probability transition function (p.t.f., or just t.f. in context) on a measurable space (Ω,ℱ) is a family Ps,t, 0≤s<t of transition probabilities on (Ω,ℱ) such that for every three real numbers s<t<v, the family the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation
∫Ps,t(x,dy)Pt,v(y,A)=Ps,v(x,A) |
for every x∈Ω and A∈ℱ. The t.f. is said to be if Ps,t depends on s and t only through their t-s. In this case, we write Pt,0=Pt and the family {Pt,t≥0} is a semigroup, and the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation reads
Pt+s(x,A)=∫Ps(x,dy)Pt(y,A). |
D. Revuz & M. Yor, Continuous Martingales
and Brownian Motion
, Third Edition Corrected. Volume 293, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Springer, Berlin, 2005.
Title | probability transition function |
Canonical name | ProbabilityTransitionFunction |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:12:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:12:37 |
Owner | mcarlisle (7591) |
Last modified by | mcarlisle (7591) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | mcarlisle (7591) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 60J35 |
Defines | probability transition function |
Defines | homogeneous probability transition function |
Defines | Chapman-Kolmogorov equation |