proof of Chinese remainder theorem
First we prove that 𝔞i+∏j≠i𝔞j=R for each i. Without loss of generality, assume that i=1. Then
R=(𝔞1+𝔞2)(𝔞1+𝔞3)⋯(𝔞1+𝔞n), |
since each factor 𝔞1+𝔞j is R. Expanding the product, each term will contain 𝔞1 as a factor, except the term 𝔞2𝔞2⋯𝔞n. So we have
(𝔞1+𝔞2)(𝔞1+𝔞3)⋯(𝔞1+𝔞n)⊆𝔞1+𝔞2𝔞2⋯𝔞n, |
and hence the expression on the right hand side must equal R.
Now we can prove that ∏𝔞i=⋂𝔞i, by induction. The statement is trivial for n=1. For n=2, note that
𝔞1∩𝔞2=(𝔞1∩𝔞2)R=(𝔞1∩𝔞2)(𝔞1+𝔞2)⊆𝔞2𝔞1+𝔞1𝔞2=𝔞1𝔞2, |
and the reverse inclusion is obvious, since each 𝔞i is an ideal. Assume that the statement is proved for n-1, and condsider it for n. Then
n⋂1𝔞i=𝔞1∩n⋂2𝔞i=𝔞1∩n∏2𝔞i, |
using the induction hypothesis in the last step. But using the fact proved above and the n=2 case, we see that
𝔞1∩n∏2𝔞i=𝔞1⋅n∏2𝔞i=n∏1𝔞i. |
Finally, we are ready to prove the . Consider the ring homomorphism R→∏R/𝔞i defined by projection on each component of the product: x↦(𝔞1+x,𝔞2+x,…,𝔞n+x). It is easy to see that the kernel of this map is ⋂𝔞i, which is also ∏𝔞i by the earlier part of the proof. So it only remains to show that the map is surjective
Accordingly, take an arbitrary element (𝔞1+x1,𝔞2+x2,…,𝔞n+xn) of ∏R/𝔞i. Using the first part of the proof, for each i, we can find elements yi∈𝔞i and zi∈∏j≠i𝔞j such that yi+zi=1. Put
x=x1z1+x2z2+…+xnzn. |
Then for each i,
𝔞i+x=𝔞i+xizi, |
since xjzj∈𝔞i for all j≠i,
=𝔞i+xiyi+xizi, |
since xiyi∈𝔞i,
=𝔞i+xi(yi+zi)=𝔞i+xi⋅1=𝔞i+xi. |
Thus the map is surjective as required, and induces the isomorphism
R∏𝔞i→∏R𝔞i. |
Title | proof of Chinese remainder theorem |
Canonical name | ProofOfChineseRemainderTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:57:20 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:57:20 |
Owner | mclase (549) |
Last modified by | mclase (549) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | mclase (549) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 11A05 |
Classification | msc 11N99 |
Classification | msc 13A15 |