ramification of archimedean places
Throughout this entry, if α is a complex number, we denote the complex conjugate
of α by ˉα.
Definition 1.
Let K be a number field.
An archimedean place of K is either a real embedding ϕ:K→ℝ or a pair of complex-conjugate embeddings (ψ,ˉψ), with ˉψ≠ψ and ψ:K→ℂ. The archimedean places are sometimes called the infinite places (cf. place of field).
The non-archimedean places of K are the prime ideals
in 𝒪K, the ring of integers
of K (see non-archimedean valuation (http://planetmath.org/Valuation
)). The non-archimedean places are sometimes called the finite places.
Notice that any archimedean place ϕ:K→ℂ can be extended to an embedding ˆϕ:ˉℚ→ℂ, where ˉℚ is a fixed algebraic closure of ℚ (in order to prove this, one uses the fact that ℂ is algebraically closed and also Zorn’s Lemma). See also this entry (http://planetmath.org/PlaceAsExtensionOfHomomorphism). In particular, if F is a finite extension
of K then ϕ can be extended to an archimidean place ˆϕ:F→ℂ of F.
Next, we define the decomposition and inertia group associated to archimedean places. For the case of non-archimedean places (i.e. prime ideals) see the entries decomposition group and ramification.
Let F/K be a finite Galois extension of number fields and let ϕ be a (real or a pair of complex) archimedean place of K. Let ϕ1 and ϕ2 be two archimedean places of F which extend ϕ. Notice that, since F/K is Galois, the image of ϕ1 and ϕ2 are equal, in other words:
ϕ1(F)=ϕ2(F)⊂ℂ. |
Hence, the composition ϕ-11∘ϕ2 is an automorphism of F (here ϕ-11 denotes the inverse map of ϕ1, restricted to ϕ1(F)). Thus, ϕ-11∘ϕ2=σ∈Gal(F/K) and
ϕ2=ϕ1∘σ |
so ϕ1 and ϕ2 differ by an element of the Galois group. Similarly, if (ψ1,¯ψ1) and (ψ2,¯ψ2) are complex embeddings which extend ϕ, then there is σ∈Gal(F/K) such that
(ψ2,¯ψ2)=(ψ1,¯ψ1)∘σ |
meaning that either ψ2=ψ1∘σ (and thus ¯ψ2=¯ψ1∘σ) or ¯ψ2=ψ1∘σ (and thus ψ2=¯ψ1∘σ). We are ready now to make the definitions.
Definition 2.
Let F/K be a Galois extension of number fields and let w be an archimedean place of F lying above a place v of K. The decomposition and inertia subgroups for the pair w|v are equal and are defined by:
D(w|v)=T(w|v)={σ∈Gal(F/K):w∘σ=w}. |
Let e=e(w|v)=|T(w|v)| be the size of the inertia subgroup. If e>1 then we say that the archimedean place v is ramified in the extension F/K.
The ramification in the archimedean case is much simpler than the non-archimedean analogue. One readily proves the following proposition:
Proposition 1.
The inertia subgroup T(w|v) is nontrivial only when v is real, w=(ψ,ˉψ) is a complex archimedean place of F and σ is the “complex conjugation” map which has order 2. Therefore e(w|v)=1 or 2 and ramification of archimedean places occurs if and only if there is a complex place of F lying above a real place of K.
Suppose first that w=ϕ:F→ℝ is a real embedding. Then ϕ is injective and ϕ∘σ=ϕ implies that σ is the identity automorphism and T(w|v) would be trivial. So let us assume that w=(ψ,ˉψ) is a complex archimedean place and let σ∈Gal(F/K) such that
(ψ,ˉψ)=(ψ,ˉψ)∘σ. |
Therefore, either ψ=ψ∘σ (which implies that σ is the identity by the injectivity of ψ) or ψ=ˉψ∘σ. The latter implies that σ=¯ψ-1∘ψ, which is simply complex conjugation:
¯ψ-1∘ψ(k)=¯ψ-1(ψ(k))=ˉk. |
Finally, since w is an extension of v, the equation w∘σ=w restricts to ˉv=v, thus v must be real. ∎
Corollary 1.
Suppose L/K is an extension of number fields and assume that K is a totally imaginary (http://planetmath.org/TotallyRealAndImaginaryFields) number field. Then the extension L/K is unramified at all archimedean places.
Since K is totally imaginary none of the embeddings of K are real. By the proposition, only real places can ramify. ∎
Title | ramification of archimedean places |
Canonical name | RamificationOfArchimedeanPlaces |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:07:19 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:07:19 |
Owner | alozano (2414) |
Last modified by | alozano (2414) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | alozano (2414) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 12F99 |
Classification | msc 13B02 |
Classification | msc 11S15 |
Synonym | finite place |
Synonym | infinite place |
Related topic | DecompositionGroup |
Related topic | PlaceOfField |
Related topic | RealAndComplexEmbeddings |
Related topic | PlaceAsExtensionOfHomomorphism |
Defines | decomposition and inertia group for archimedean places |
Defines | archimedean place |
Defines | non-archimedean place |