rules of calculus for derivative of polynomial
In this entry, we will derive the properties of derivatives of polynomials in a rigorous fashion. We begin by showing that the derivative exists.
Theorem 1.
If A is a commutative ring and p is a polynomial in
A[x], then there exist unique polynomials q and A
such that p(x+y)=p(x)+yq(x)+y2r(x,y).
We will first show existence, then uniqueness. Define f(y)=p(x+y)-p(x). Since f is a polynomial in y with coefficients in the ring A[x] and f(0)=0, we must have y be a factor of f(y), so f(y)=yg(x,y) for some g in A[x,y]. By definition of f, this means that p(x+y)-p(x)=yg(x,y). 11We are here making use of the identification of A[x][y] with A[x,y] to write the polynomial g either as a polynomial in y with coefficients in A[x] or as a polynomial in x and y with coefficients in A. Define q(x)=g(x,0) and h(x,y)=g(x,y)-g(x,0). Regarding h as a polynomial in y with coefficients in A[x], we may, similiarly to what we did earlier, note that, since h(0)=0 by construction, y must be a factor of h(y). Hence there exists a polynomial r with coefficients in A[x,y] such that h(y)=yr(x,y). Combining our definitions, we conclude that p(x+y)=p(x)+yq(x)+y2r(x,y).
We will now show uniqueness. Assume that there
exists polymonomials q,r,Q,R such that p(x+y)=p(x)+yq(x)+y2r(x,y) and p(x+y)=p(x)+yQ(x)+y2R(x,y). Subtracting and rearranging terms, y(q(x)-Q(x))=y2(R(x,y)-r(x,y)). Cancelling y22Note that, in
general, the cancellation law need not hold. However, even if
A has divisors of zero, it still will be the case that the
polynomial y cannot divide zero, so we may cancel it.,
we have q(x)-Q(x)=y(R(x,y)-r(x,y)). Substituting
0 for y, we have q(x)-Q(x)=0. Replacing this in our
equation, y(R(x,y)-r(x,y))=0. Cancelling another y,
R(x,y)-r(x,y)=0. Hence, we conclude that Q=q and
R=r, so our is unique.
Hence, the following is well-defined:
Definition 1.
Let A be a commutative ring and let p be polynomial in A[x]. Then p′ is the unique element of A[x] such that p(x+y)=p(x)+yp′(x)+y2r[x,y] for some r∈A[x,y]
We will now derive some of the rules for manipulating derivatives familiar form calculus for polynomials using purely algebraic operations with no limits involved.
Theorem 2.
If A is a commutative ring and p,q∈A[x], then (p+q)′=p′+q′.
Let us write p(x+y)=p(x)+yp′(x)+y2r(x,y) and q(x+y)=q(x)+yq′(y)+y2s(x,y). Adding, we have
p(x,y)+q(x,y)=p(x)+q(x)+y(p′(x)+q′(x))+y2(r(x,y)+s(x,y)). |
By definition of derivative, this means that (p+q)′=p′+q′. ∎
Theorem 3.
If A is a commutative ring and p,q∈A[x], then (p⋅q)′=p′⋅q+p⋅q′.
Let us write p(x+y)=p(x)+yp′(x)+y2r(x,y) and q(x+y)=q(x)+yq′(y)+y2s(x,y). Multiplying, grouping terms, and pulling out some common factors, we have
p(x+y)q(x+y) | =p(x)q(y)+y(p′(x)q(x)+p(x)q′(x)) | ||
+y2(p(x)s(x,y)+q(x)r(x,y)+p′(x)q′(y) | |||
+yp′(x)s(x,y)+yq′(x)r(x,y)+y2r(x,y)s(x,y)). |
By definition of derivative, this means that (p⋅q)′=p′⋅q+p⋅q′. ∎
Theorem 4.
If A is a commutative ring and p,q∈A[x], then (p∘q)′=(p′∘q)⋅q′.
Let us write p(x+y)=p(x)+yp′(x)+y2r(x,y) and q(x+y)=q(x)+yq′(y)+y2s(x,y). Composing, grouping terms, and pulling out some common factors, we have
p(q(x+y)) | =p(q(x)+yq′(y)+y2s(x,y)) | ||
=p(q(x))+(yq′(y)+y2s(x,y))p′(q(x)) | |||
+(yq′(y)+y2s(x,y))2r(q(x),yq′(y)+y2s(x,y)) | |||
=p(q(x))+yp′(q(x))q′(y) | |||
+y2(s(x,y)p′(q(x))+(q′(y)+ys(x,y))2r(q(x),yq′(y)+y2s(x,y))) |
By definition of derivative, this means that (p∘q)′=(p′∘q)⋅q′. ∎
Title | rules of calculus for derivative of polynomial |
Canonical name | RulesOfCalculusForDerivativeOfPolynomial |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:20:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:20:05 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Derivation |
Classification | msc 13P05 |
Classification | msc 11C08 |
Classification | msc 12E05 |
Related topic | ProofOfPropertiesOfDerivativesByPureAlgebra |