SNCF metric
The following two examples of a metric space (one of which is a real tree) obtained their name from the of the French railway system. Especially malicious rumour has it that if you want to go by train from x to y in France, the most efficient solution is to reduce the problem to going from x to Paris and then from Paris to y.
Since their discovery, the intrinsic laws of the French way of going by train have made it around the world and reached the late-afternoon tutorials of first-term mathematics courses in an effort to lighten the moods in the guise of the following definition:
Definition 1 (SNCF metric).
Let P be a point in a metric space (F,d). Then the SNCF metric dP with respect to P is defined by
dP(x,y):= |
It is easy to see that is a metric.
Now, what if the train from to Paris stops over in during the ride (or the other way round)? Sure, Paris is a beautiful city, but you wouldn’t always want to go there and back again. To implement this, the geometric notion of “ lies on the straight line defined by and ” is required, so the definition becomes more specialised:
Definition 2 (SNCF metric, enhanced version).
Let be the origin in the space with Euclidean norm . Then the SNCF metric is defined by
The metric space is, in addition, a real tree since
if and do not lie on the same from , the only arc in
joining and consists of the two ray
and . Other injections which are arcs in Euclidean
do not remain continuous
in .
Title | SNCF metric |
Canonical name | SNCFMetric |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:17:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:17:25 |
Owner | GrafZahl (9234) |
Last modified by | GrafZahl (9234) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | GrafZahl (9234) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 51M05 |
Classification | msc 97A20 |
Classification | msc 54E35 |
Related topic | RealTree |