table of natural logarithms
This table is for integers in the range -1<n<100. To find the natural logarithm (that is, with base e, the natural log base) for the desired n, look for the ten’s place digit (0 in the case of -1<n<10) in the leftmost column and the one’s place digit in the topmost row. The intersection x of that row and column thus gives logn to four or five decimal places.
n | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
0 | -∞ | 0.0000 | 0.69315 | 1.09861 | 1.38629 | 1.60944 | 1.79176 | 1.94591 | 2.07944 | 2.19722 |
1 | 2.30259 | 2.3979 | 2.48491 | 2.56495 | 2.63906 | 2.70805 | 2.77259 | 2.83321 | 2.89037 | 2.94444 |
2 | 2.99573 | 3.04452 | 3.09104 | 3.13549 | 3.17805 | 3.21888 | 3.2581 | 3.29584 | 3.3322 | 3.3673 |
3 | 3.4012 | 3.43399 | 3.46574 | 3.49651 | 3.52636 | 3.55535 | 3.58352 | 3.61092 | 3.63759 | 3.66356 |
4 | 3.68888 | 3.71357 | 3.73767 | 3.7612 | 3.78419 | 3.80666 | 3.82864 | 3.85015 | 3.8712 | 3.89182 |
5 | 3.91202 | 3.93183 | 3.95124 | 3.97029 | 3.98898 | 4.00733 | 4.02535 | 4.04305 | 4.06044 | 4.07754 |
6 | 4.09434 | 4.11087 | 4.12713 | 4.14313 | 4.15888 | 4.17439 | 4.18965 | 4.20469 | 4.21951 | 4.23411 |
7 | 4.2485 | 4.26268 | 4.27667 | 4.29046 | 4.30407 | 4.31749 | 4.33073 | 4.34381 | 4.35671 | 4.36945 |
8 | 4.38203 | 4.39445 | 4.40672 | 4.41884 | 4.43082 | 4.44265 | 4.45435 | 4.46591 | 4.47734 | 4.48864 |
9 | 4.49981 | 4.51086 | 4.52179 | 4.5326 | 4.54329 | 4.55388 | 4.56435 | 4.57471 | 4.58497 | 4.59512 |
Title | table of natural logarithms |
Canonical name | TableOfNaturalLogarithms |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:08:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:08:39 |
Owner | PrimeFan (13766) |
Last modified by | PrimeFan (13766) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | PrimeFan (13766) |
Entry type | Data Structure |
Classification | msc 26-00 |
Classification | msc 26A09 |
Classification | msc 26A06 |