taking square root algebraically
For getting the square root of the complex number a+ib
(a,b∈ℝ) purely algebraically, one should solve the real part
x and the imaginary part y of √a+ib from the binomial equation
(x+iy)2=a+ib. | (1) |
This gives
a+ib=x2+2ixy-y2=(x2-y2)+i⋅2xy. |
Comparing (see equality (http://planetmath.org/EqualityOfComplexNumbers)) the real parts and the imaginary parts yields the pair of real equations
x2-y2=a,2xy=b, |
which may be written
x2+(-y2)=a,x2⋅(-y2)=-b24. |
Note that the x and y must be chosen such that their product (=b2) has the same sign as b. Using the properties of quadratic equation, one infers that x2 and -y2 are the roots of the equation
t2-at-b24=0. |
The quadratic formula gives
t=a±√a2+b22, |
and since -y2 is the smaller root, x2=a+√a2+b22,-y2=a-√a2+b22. So we obtain the result
x=√√a2+b2+a2,y=(signb)√√a2+b2-a2 |
(see the signum function). Because both may have also the
√a+ib=±(√√a2+b2+a2+(signb)i√√a2+b2-a2). | (2) |
The result shows that the real and imaginary parts of the square root of any complex number a+ib can be obtained from the real part a and imaginary part b of the number by using only algebraic operations, i.e. the rational operations and the . Apparently, the same is true for all roots of a complex number with index (http://planetmath.org/NthRoot) an integer power of 2.
In practise, when determining the square root of a non-real complex number, one need not to remember the (2), but it’s better to solve concretely the equation (1).
Exercise. Compute √i and check it!
Title | taking square root algebraically |
Canonical name | TakingSquareRootAlgebraically |
Date of creation | 2015-06-14 16:31:35 |
Last modified on | 2015-06-14 16:31:35 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 17 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Derivation |
Classification | msc 30-00 |
Classification | msc 12D99 |
Synonym | square root of complex number |
Related topic | SquareRootOfSquareRootBinomial |
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