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unique factorization and ideals in ring of integers

Theorem.  Let O be the maximal orderMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath, i.e. the ring of integersMathworldPlanetmath of an algebraic number field.  Then O is a unique factorization domainMathworldPlanetmath if and only if O is a principal ideal domainMathworldPlanetmath.

Proof.1o¯. Suppose that O is a PID.

We first state, that any prime numberMathworldPlanetmath π of O generates a prime idealMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath (π) of O.  For if  (π)=𝔞𝔟,  then we have the principal idealsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath𝔞=(α)  and 𝔟=(β).  It follows that  (π)=(αβ), i.e.  π=λαβ  with some λO,  and since π is prime, one of α and β must be a unit of O.  Thus one of 𝔞 and 𝔟 is the unit ideal O, and accordingly (π) is a maximal idealMathworldPlanetmath of O, so also a prime ideal.

Let a non-zero element γ of O be split to prime number factors πi, ϱj in two ways:  γ=π1πr=ϱ1ϱs.  Then also the principal ideal (γ) splits to principal prime ideals in two ways:  (γ)=(π1)(πr)=(ϱ1)(ϱs).  Since the prime factorizationMathworldPlanetmath of ideals is unique, the   (π1),,(πr)  must be, up to the , identical with  (ϱ1),,(ϱs)  (and  r=s).  Let  (π1)=(ϱj1).  Then π1 and ϱj1 are associatesMathworldPlanetmath of each other; the same may be said of all pairs  (πi,ϱji).  So we have seen that the factorization in O is unique.

2o¯. Suppose then that O is a UFD.

Consider any prime ideal 𝔭 of O.  Let α be a non-zero element of 𝔭 and let α have the prime factorization π1πn.  Because 𝔭 is a prime ideal and divides the ideal product (π1)(πn), 𝔭 must divide one principal ideal  (πi)=(π).  This means that  π𝔭.  We write  (π)=𝔭𝔞, whence  π𝔭  and  π𝔞.  Since O is a Dedekind domainMathworldPlanetmath, every its ideal can be generated by two elements, one of which may be chosen freely (see the two-generator property).  Therefore we can write


We multiply these, getting  𝔭𝔞=(π2,πγ,πδ,γδ),  and so  γδ𝔭𝔞=(π).  Thus  γδ=λπ  with some λO.  According to the unique factorization, we have  π|γ  or  π|δ.

The latter alternative means that  δ=δ1π (with  δ1O),  whence  𝔞=(π,δ1π)=(π)(1,δ1)=(π)(1)=(π);  thus we had  𝔭𝔞=(π)=𝔭(π)  which would imply the absurdity  𝔭=(1).  But the former alternative means that  γ=γ1π (with  γ1O),  which shows that


In other words, an arbitrary prime ideal 𝔭 of O is principal.  It follows that all ideals of O are principal. Q.E.D.

Title unique factorization and ideals in ring of integers
Canonical name UniqueFactorizationAndIdealsInRingOfIntegers
Date of creation 2015-05-06 15:32:53
Last modified on 2015-05-06 15:32:53
Owner pahio (2872)
Last modified by pahio (2872)
Numerical id 17
Author pahio (2872)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 13B22
Classification msc 11R27
Synonym equivalence of UFD and PID
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