0.1 Definitions
A unitary space V is a complex vector space with a distinguished positive definite
Hermitian form
⟨-,-⟩:V×V→ℂ, which serves as the inner product
on V.
A unitary transformation is a surjective
linear transformation T:V→V satisfying
⟨u,v⟩=⟨Tu,Tv⟩,u,v∈V. (1) These are isometries
of V.
More generally, a unitary transformation is a surjective linear transformation T:U⟶V between two unitary spaces U,V satisfying
⟨Tv,Tu⟩V=⟨v,u⟩U,u,v∈U In this entry will restrict to the case of the first , i.e. U=V.
A unitary matrix is a square complex-valued matrix, A, whose inverse
is equal to its conjugate transpose
When V is a Hilbert space
, a bounded linear operator T:V⟶V is said to be a unitary operator if its inverse is equal to its adjoint
T-1=T* In Hilbert spaces unitary transformations correspond precisely to unitary operators.
0.2 Remarks
A standard example of a unitary space is ℂn with inner product
⟨u,v⟩=n∑i=1ui¯vi,u,v∈ℂn. (2) -
Unitary transformations and unitary matrices are closely related. On the one hand, a unitary matrix defines a unitary transformation of ℂn relative to the inner product (2). On the other hand, the representing matrix of a unitary transformation relative to an orthonormal basis
is, in fact, a unitary matrix.
A unitary transformation is an automorphism
. This follows from the fact that a unitary transformation T preserves the inner-product norm:
∥Tu∥=∥u∥,u∈V. (3) Hence, if
Tu=0, then by the definition (1) it follows that
∥u∥=0, and hence by the inner-product axioms that
u=0. Thus, the kernel of T is trivial, and therefore it is an automorphism.
Moreover, relation
(3) can be taken as the definition of a unitary transformation. Indeed, using the polarization identity
it is possible to show that if T preserves the norm, then (1) must hold as well.
A simple example of a unitary matrix is the change of coordinates matrix between two orthonormal bases. Indeed, let u1,…,un and v1,…,vn be two orthonormal bases, and let A=(Aij) be the corresponding change of basis matrix defined by
vj=∑iAijui,j=1,…,n. Substituting the above relation into the defining relations for an orthonormal basis,
⟨ui,uj⟩ = δij, ⟨vk,vl⟩ = δkl, we obtain
∑ijδijAik¯Ajl=∑iAik¯Ail=δkl. In matrix notation, the above is simply
AˉAt=I, as desired.
Unitary transformations form a group under composition. Indeed, if S,T are unitary transformations then ST is also surjective and
⟨STu,STv⟩=⟨Tu,Tv⟩=⟨u,v⟩ for every u,v∈V. Hence ST is also a unitary transformation.
Unitary spaces, transformations
, matrices and operators are of fundamental importance in quantum mechanics.
Title | unitary |
Canonical name | Unitary |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:02:01 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:02:01 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 21 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 47D03 |
Classification | msc 47B99 |
Classification | msc 47A05 |
Classification | msc 46C05 |
Classification | msc 15-00 |
Synonym | complex inner product space |
Related topic | EuclideanVectorSpace2 |
Related topic | PauliMatrices |
Defines | unitary space |
Defines | unitary matrix |
Defines | unitary transformation |
Defines | unitary operator |
Defines | unitary group |