alternative definition of Krull valuation
Let G be an abelian totally ordered group, denoted additively. We adjoin to G a new element ∞ such that g<+∞, for all g∈G and we extend the addition on G∞=G∪{+∞} by declaring g+(+∞)=(+∞)+(+∞)=+∞.
Definition 1.
Let R be an unital ring, a valuation of R with values in G is a function from R to G∞ such that , for all x,y∈R:
1) v(xy)=v(x)+v(y),
2) v(x+y)≥min{v(x),v(y)},
3) v(x)=+∞ iff v(x)=0.
Remarks a) The condition 1) means that v is a homomorhism of R∖{0} with multiplication in the group G. In particular, v(1)=0 and v(-x)=v(x), for all x∈G. If x is invertible then 0=v(1)=v(xx-1)=v(x)+v(x-1), so v(x-1)=-v(x).
b) If 3) is replaced by the condition v(0)=+∞ then the set P=v-1{+∞} is a prime ideal of R and v is on the integral domain
c) In particular, conditions 1) and 3) that R is an integral domain and let K be its quotient field. There is a unique valuation of K with values in G that extends v, namely v(x/y)=v(x)-v(y), for all x∈R and y∈R∖{0}.
d) The element v(x) is sometimes denoted by vx.
Title | alternative definition of Krull valuation |
Canonical name | AlternativeDefinitionOfKrullValuation |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:02:08 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:02:08 |
Owner | polarbear (3475) |
Last modified by | polarbear (3475) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | polarbear (3475) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 13F30 |
Classification | msc 13A18 |
Classification | msc 12J20 |
Classification | msc 11R99 |
Related topic | OrderValuation |
Related topic | Valuation |
Related topic | Krullvaluation |
Related topic | KrullValuation |