Boolean subalgebra
Boolean Subalgebras
Let A be a Boolean algebra and B a non-empty subset of A. Consider the following conditions:
if a∈B, then a′∈B,
if a,b∈B, then a∨b∈B,
if a,b∈B, then a∧b∈B,
It is easy to see that, by de Morgan’s laws, conditions 1 and 2 imply conditions 1 and 3, and vice versa. Also, If B satisfies 1 and 2, then 1=a∨a′∈B by picking an element a∈B. As a result, 0=1′∈B as well.
A non-empty subset B of a Boolean algebra A satisfying conditions 1 and 2 (or equivalently 1 and 3) is called a Boolean subalgebra of A.
Every Boolean algebra contains a unique two-element Boolean algebra consisting of just 0 and 1.
If A contains a non-trivial element a (≠0), then 0,1,a,a′ form a four-element Boolean subalgebra of A.
Here is a concrete example. Let A be the field of all sets ( of a set X (the power set
of X). Let B be the set of all finite and all cofinite subsets of A. Then B is a subalgebra
of A.
Continuing from the example above, if X is equipped with a topology 𝒯, then the set of all clopen sets in X is a Boolean subalgebra of the algebra
of all regular open sets of X.
Remarks. Let A be a Boolean algebra.
Arbitrary intersections
of Boolean subalgebras of A is a Boolean subalgebra.
An arbitrary union of an increasing chain of Boolean subalgebras of A is a Boolean subalgebra.
A subalgebra B of A is said to be dense in A if it is dense as a subset of the underlying poset A. In other words, B is dense in A iff for any a∈A, there is a b∈B such that b≤a. It can be easily shown that B is dense in A is equivalent
to any one of the following:
for any a∈A, there is b∈B such that a≤b;
for any x,y∈A with x≤y, there is z∈B such that x≤z≤y.
To see the last equivalence, notice first that by picking x=0 we see that B is dense, and conversely, if x≤y, then there is r∈B such that r≤y, so that x≤x∨r≤y.
Subalgebras Generated by a Set
Let A be a Boolean algebra and X a subset of A. The intersection of all Boolean subalgebras (of A) containing X is called the Boolean subalgebra generated by X, and is denoted by ⟨X⟩. As indicated by the remark above, ⟨X⟩ is a Boolean subalgebra of A, the smallest subalgebra containing X. If ⟨X⟩=A, then we say that the Boolean algebra A itself is generated by X.
Proposition 1.
Every element of ⟨X⟩⊆A has a disjunctive normal form (DNF). In other words, if a∈⟨X⟩, then
a=n⋁i=1ϕ(i)⋀j=1aij=(a11∧⋯∧a1ϕ(1))∨(a21∧⋯∧a2ϕ(2))∨⋯∨(an1∧⋯∧anϕ(n)), |
where either aij or a′ij belongs to X.
Let B be the set of all elements written in DNF using elements X. Clearly B⊆⟨X⟩. What we want to show is that ⟨X⟩⊆B. First, notice that the join of two elements in B is in B. Second, the complement of an element in B is also in B. We prove this in three steps:
If a∈B and either b or b′ is in X, then b∧a∈B.
If a=(a11∧⋯∧a1ϕ(1))∨(a21∧⋯∧a2ϕ(2))∨⋯∨(an1∧⋯∧anϕ(n)), then
b∧a = b∧((a11∧⋯∧a1ϕ(1))∨(a21∧⋯∧a2ϕ(2))∨⋯∨(an1∧⋯∧anϕ(n))) = (b∧a11∧⋯∧a1ϕ(1))∨(b∧a21∧⋯∧a2ϕ(2))∨⋯∨(b∧an1∧⋯∧anϕ(n)) which is in DNF using elements of X.
If a,b∈B, then a∧b∈B.
In the last expression of the previous step, notice that each term b∧ai1∧⋯∧aiϕ(i) can be written in DNF by iteratively using the result of the previous step. Hence, the join of all these terms is again in DNF (using elements of X).
If a∈B, then a′∈B.
If a=(a11∧⋯∧a1ϕ(1))∨(a21∧⋯∧a2ϕ(2))∨⋯∨(an1∧⋯∧anϕ(n)), then
a′=(a′11∨⋯∨a′1ϕ(1))∧(a′21∨⋯∨a′2ϕ(2))∧⋯∧(a′n1∨⋯∨a′nϕ(n)), which is the meet of n elements in B. Consequently, by step 2, a′∈B.
Since B is closed under join and complementation, B is a Boolean subalgebra of A. Since B contains X, ⟨X⟩⊆B.
Similarly, one can show that ⟨X⟩ is the set of all elements in A that can be written in conjunctive normal form (CNF) using elements of X.
Corollary 1.
Let ⟨B,x⟩ be the Boolean subalgebra (of A) generated by a Boolean subalgebra B and an element x∈A. Then every element of ⟨B,x⟩ has the form
(b1∧x)∨(b2∧x′) |
for some b1,b2∈B.
Let X be a generating set for B (pick X=B if necessary). By the proposition above, every element in ⟨B,x⟩ is the join of elements of the form a1∧a2∧⋯∧an, where each ai or a′i is in X or is x. By the absorption laws, the form is reduced to one of the three forms a, a∧x, or a∧x′, where a∈B. Joins of elements in the form of the first kind is an element of B, since B is a subalgebra. Joins of elements in the form of the second kind is again an element in the form of the second kind (for (a1∧x)∨(a2∧x)=(a1∨a2)∧x), and similarly for the last case. Therefore, any element of ⟨B,x⟩ has the form a∨(a1∧x)∨(a2∧x′). Since a=(a∧x)∨(a∧x′), by setting b1=a1∨a and b2=a2∨a, we have the desired form.
If a=(b1∧x)∨(b2∧x′), then a′=(b′2∧x)∨(b′1∧x′).
Representing a in terms of (b1∧x)∨(b2∧x′) is not unique. Actually, we have the following fact: (b1∧x)∨(b2∧x′)=(c1∧x)∨(c2∧x′) iff b2Δc2≤x≤b1↔c1, where Δ and ↔ are the symmetric difference
and biconditional
(⇒). The LHS can be rewritten as (b1∨b2)∧(b2∨x)∧(b1∨x′). As a result, c2∧x′≤b2∨x so that c2∨x=(c2∧x′)∨x≤(b2∨x)∨x=b2∨x. Therefore, c2-b2=c2∧b′2≤(c2∨x)∧b′2≤(b2∨x)∧b′2=b′2∧x≤x. Similarly, b2-c2≤x. Taking the join and we get b2Δc2≤x. Dually, b1Δc1≤x′, and complementing this to get x≤(b1Δc1)′=b1↔c1.
(⇐). If b2-c2≤x, then b2∨c2=(b2-c2)∨c2≤x∨c2, so that (b2∨c2)-x≤c2-x, or (b2-x)∨(c2-x)≤c2-x, which implies that b2-x≤c2-x. Similarly, c2-x≤b2-x. Putting the two inequalities
together and we have b2-x=c2-x. Since x≤b1↔c1 is equivalent to b1Δc1≤x′ (dual statements), we also have b1-x′=c1-x′ or b1∧x=c1∧x. Combining (via meet) this equality with the last one, we get (b1∧x)∧(b2∧x′)=(c1∧x)∧(c2∧x′). ∎
Title | Boolean subalgebra |
Canonical name | BooleanSubalgebra |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:57:55 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:57:55 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06E05 |
Classification | msc 03G05 |
Classification | msc 06B20 |
Classification | msc 03G10 |
Synonym | dense subalgebra |
Defines | dense Boolean subalgebra |