characterization of Alexandroff groups
Topological group G is called Alexandroff if G is an Alexandroff space as a topological space
. For example every finite topological group is Alexandroff. We wish to characterize them. First recall, that if A is a subset of a topological space, then Ao denotes an intersection
of all open neighbourhoods of A.
Lemma. Let X be an Alexandroff space, f:X×⋯×X→X be a continuous map and x∈X such that f(x,…,x)=x. Then f(A×⋯×A)⊆A, where A={x}o.
Proof. Let A={x}o. Of course A is open (because X is Alexandroff). Therefore f-1(A) is open in X×⋯×X. Thus (from the definition of product topology and continuous map), there are open subsetes V1,…,Vn⊆X such that each Vi is an open neighbourhood of x and
f(V1×⋯×Vn)⊆A. |
Now let Ui=Vi∩A. Of course x∈Ui, so Ui is nonempty and Ui is open. Furthermore Ui⊆Vi and thus
f(U1×⋯×Un)⊆A. |
On the other hand Ui⊆A and Ui is open neighbourhood of x. Thus Ui=A, because A is minimal open neighbourhood of x. Therefore
f(A×⋯×A)=f(U1×⋯×Un)⊆A, |
which completes the proof. □
Proposition. Let G be an Alexandroff group. Then there exists open, normal subgroup
H of G such that for every open subset U⊆G there exist {gi}i∈I⊆G such that
U=⋃i∈IgiH. |
Proof. Let H={e}o be an intersection of all open neighbourhoods of the identity e∈G. Let U be an open subset of G. If g∈U, then g-1U is an open neighbourhood of e. Thus H⊆g-1U and therefore gH⊆U. Thus
U=⋃g∈UgH. |
To complete the proof we need to show that H is normal subgroup of G. Consider the following mappings:
M:G×G→G is such that M(x,y)=xy; |
ψ:G→G is such that ψ(x)=x-1; |
φg:G→G is such that φg(x)=gxg-1 for any g∈G. |
Of course each of them is continuous (because G is a topological group). Furthermore each of them satisfies Lemma’s assumptions (for x=e). Thus we have:
HH=M(H×H)⊆H; |
H-1=ψ(H)⊆H; |
gHg-1=φg(H)⊆H for any g∈G. |
This shows that H is a normal subgroup, which completes the proof. □
Corollary. Let G be a topological group such that G is finite and simple. Then G is either discrete or antidiscrete.
Proof. Of course finite topological groups are Alexandroff. Since G is simple, then there are only two normal subgroups of G, namely the trivial group and entire G. Therfore (due to proposition) the topology on G is ,,generated” by either the trivial group or entire G. In the first case we gain the discrete topology and in the second the antidiscrete topology. □
Title | characterization of Alexandroff groups |
Canonical name | CharacterizationOfAlexandroffGroups |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:45:43 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:45:43 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 22A05 |