characterization of prime ideals
This entry gives a number of equivalent
of prime ideals in rings of different generality.
We start with a general ring R.
Theorem 1.
Let R be a ring and P⊊R a two-sided ideal. Then the
following statements are equivalent:
Given (left, right or two-sided) ideals I,J of P such that the product of ideals IJ⊆P, then I⊆P or J⊆P.
If x,y∈R such that xRy⊆P, then x∈P or y∈P.
Let x,y∈R such that xRy⊆P. Let (x) and (y) be the (left, right or two-sided) ideals generated by x and y, respectively. Then each element of the product of ideals (x)R(y) can be expanded to a finite sum of products
each of which contains or is a factor of the form ±xry for a suitable r∈R. Since P is an ideal and xRy⊆P, it follows that (x)R(y)⊆P. Assuming statement 1, we have (x)⊆P, R⊆P or (y)⊆P. But P⊊R, so we have (x)⊆P or (y)⊆P and hence x∈P or y∈P.
Let I,J be (left, right or two-sided) ideals, such that the product of ideals IJ⊆P. Now RJ⊆J or IR⊆I (depending on what type of ideal we consider), so IRJ⊆IJ⊆P. If I⊆P, nothing remains to be shown. Otherwise, let i∈I∖P, then iRj⊆P for all j∈J. Since i∉P we have by statement 2 that j∈P for all j∈J, hence J⊆P.
There are some additional properties if our ring is commutative.
Theorem 2.
Let R a commutative ring and P⊊R an ideal. Then the following statements are equivalent:
Given ideals I,J of P such that the product of ideals IJ⊆P, then I⊆P or J⊆P.
The quotient ring
R/P is a cancellation ring.
The set R∖P is a subsemigroup of the multiplicative semigroup of R.
Given x,y∈R such that xy∈P, then x∈P or y∈P.
- 5.
Let ˉx,ˉy∈R/P be arbitrary nonzero elements. Let x and y be representatives of ˉx and ˉy, respectively, then x∉P and y∉P. Since R is commutative, each element of the product of ideals (x)(y) can be written as a product involving the factor xy. Since P is an ideal, we would have (x)(y)⊆P if xy∈P which by statement 1 would imply (x)⊆P or (y)⊆P in contradiction
with x∉P and y∉P. Hence, xy∉P and thus ˉxˉy≠0.
Let x,y∈R∖P. Let π:R→R/P be the canonical projection. Then π(x) and π(y) are nonzero elements of R/P. Since π is a homomorphism
and due to statement 2, π(x)π(y)=π(xy)≠0. Therefore xy∉P, that is R∖P is closed under multiplication. The associative property is inherited from R.
Let x,y∈R such that xy∈P. If both x,y were not elements of P, then by statement 3 xy would not be an element of P. Therefore at least one of x,y is an element of P.
Let I,J be ideals of R such that IJ⊆P. If I⊆P, nothing remains to be shown. Otherwise, let i∈I∖P. Then for all j∈J the product ij∈IJ, hence ij∈P. It follows by statement 4 that j∈P, and therefore J⊆P.
The condition 4 that the set S=R∖P is a multiplicative semigroup. Now P is trivially the greatest ideal which does not intersect S.
We presume that P is maximal of the ideals of R which do not intersect a semigroup S and that xy∈P. Assume the contrary of the assertion, i.e. that x∉P and y∉P. Therefore, P is a proper subset
of both (P,x) and (P,y). Thus the maximality of P implies that
(P,x)∩S≠{},(P,y)∩S≠{}. So we can choose the elements s1 and s2 of S such that
s1=p1+r1x+n1x,s2=p2+r2y+n2y, where p1,p2∈P, r1,r2∈R and n1,n2∈ℤ. Then we see that the product
s1s2=(p1+r2y+n2y)p1+(r1x+n1x)p2+(r1r2+n2r1+n1r2)xy+(n1n2)xy would belong to the ideal P. But this is impossible because s1s2 is an element of the multiplicative semigroup S and P does not intersect S. Thus we can conclude that either x or y belongs to the ideal P.
If R has an identity element 1, statements 2 and 3 of
the preceding theorem become stronger:
Theorem 3.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity element 1. Then an ideal
P of R is a prime ideal if and only if R/P is an integral
. Furthermore, P is prime if and only if R∖P is a
monoid with identity element 1 with respect to the multiplication in
Let P be prime, then 1∉P since otherwise P would be equal to R. Now by theorem 2 R/P is a cancellation ring. The canonical projection π:R→R/P is a homomorphism, so π(1) is the identity element of R/P. This in turn implies that the semigroup R∖P is a monoid with identity element 1. ∎
Title | characterization of prime ideals |
Canonical name | CharacterizationOfPrimeIdeals |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:22:01 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:22:01 |
Owner | GrafZahl (9234) |
Last modified by | GrafZahl (9234) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | GrafZahl (9234) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 13C05 |
Classification | msc 16D25 |
Synonym | characterisation of prime ideals |
Related topic | Localization![]() |
Related topic | QuotientRingModuloPrimeIdeal |