common formulas in calculus of differential forms
1 Euclidean forms
To begin with we have the total differential for scalars f:D→ℝ where D is a domain in ℝn:
df=∑s∂f∂xsdxs |
or by the Einstein summation convention
df=∂f∂xsdxs |
which are a special case of the so-called Euclidean 1-forms.
Here we reconize the covariant form of the gradient of f in contravaiant ”state”:
∇f=∂f∂xs |
being the components of df.
Here the symbols dxs are linear functionals ℝn→ℝ dual to the derivations ∂∂xs, that is
dxs(∂∂xt)=δst |
this coincides with the calculation dxs(∂∂xt)=∂xs∂xt=δst.
If X is a vector field and f a scalar field then one has for the directional derivative
Xf=Xs∂∂xsf=Xsdf(∂∂xs)=df(X) |
For a pair of functions g,f:D→ℝ we can check Leibniz’s rule
d(fg)=gdf+fdg |
Let Ω0(D)=C∞(D) be the set of 0-forms in D and let Ω1(D)={w=wsdxs:ws∈Ω0} (where wsdxs=∑swsdxs) be the set of 1-forms in D.
Then the operator d can be seen as a linear operator d:Ω0(D)→Ω1(D).
This can be generalized by defining Ωk(D) to be the set of k-forms; that is, expressions of the type:
As1…skdxs1∧⋯∧dxsk |
where As1…sk are in Ω0(D) i.e. they are scalars and
they are multi-indexed sums. Further, the symbols dxs1∧⋯∧dxsk are the wedge products of the dxs.
So d:Ωk(D)→Ωk+1(D) is calculated by
d(As1…skdxs1∧⋯∧dxsk)=d(As1…sk)∧dxs1∧⋯∧dxsk |
For example, if A=Asdxs then dA=dAs∧dxs, hence
dA=∂As∂xtdxt∧dxs |
which is rearranged as
dA=(∂As∂xt-∂At∂xs)dxt∧dxs, |
and for two forms, if B=Bstdxs∧dxt then
dB=∂Bst∂xudxu∧dxs∧dxt. |
Now if we have a map between two domains F:D→E and F=(F1,…,Fn), we can pullback forms as F*:Ωk(E)→Ωk(D), beginnig with the observation that at basics dxk, we pullback it as
F*(dxk)=d(xk∘F)=dFk=∂Fk∂xsdxs |
then, if we want ω↦F*(ω), where ω=ωs1…skdxs1∧⋯∧dxsk, we are going to receive
F*(ω)=ωs1…sk∘f∂Fs1∂xt1⋯∂Fsk∂xtkdxt1∧⋯∧dxtk |
Here the ti-sums must be taken between all indexes obeying 1≤t1<t2<⋯<tk≤n.
So if ω∈Ωn(D),
We also have
Obviously there are no forms in and usually one set if .
2 The de Rham complex.
The collection of mappings
give us a chain complex due that , so one can measure how much this differs from exactness via its homology
called the cohomological -group for .
Some with the fear of being confused with the giving of the same name to the operator , would like to write
and then one should modify the above conventions with
3 Manifold’s Forms.
One had seen that for mappings between ’s domains behave as . Then we can assign k-forms in each chart of a n-manifold by means of the coordinated functions on the neighborhood . Then
which will be the duals of the derivations .
Observe that if then is a scalar in .
If then
For -forms
where is a -form in .
4 Forms and connections
A connection is a bi-linear operator where is the space of differentiable
sections in the tangent bundle.
The Chistoffel symbols are the components of through the equation
where the are the coordinated tangent vectors.
The curvature tensor is defined as
which is a tri-linear map , so the Riemann-Chistoffel symbols are defined by the components of
With these one define the connection forms and the curvature forms as
these and define a 1-form and a 2-form viewed as a sections and respectively.
Observe that which compared with , it implies
and for an arbitrary vector field (in the tangent coordinated basis)
Let be another frame field (the are the coordinated frame field) , i.e. a system of -tangent vectors which are linearly independent in the tangent space, i.e, they span each .
as the an-holonomic.
Remember that in the coordinated frame field , but since this define the structural ”constants”
and the give relation
5 Cartan Structural Equations
The connection and the curvature forms satisfy the premiere , where the are the 1-forms dual to the and the deuxieme where the corresponding connection forms are calculated by i.e.
All that fits perfectly to give
with .
This shows that the calculations of are very easy objects to put into an algorithm (Debever).
Title | common formulas in calculus of differential forms |
Canonical name | CommonFormulasInCalculusOfDifferentialForms |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:51:28 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:51:28 |
Owner | juanman (12619) |
Last modified by | juanman (12619) |
Numerical id | 37 |
Author | juanman (12619) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 58A12 |
Classification | msc 58A10 |
Related topic | Calculus |
Related topic | TopicsOnCalculus |