differential form
1 Notation and Preliminaries.
Let M be an n-dimensional differential manifold. Let TM denote
the manifold’s tangent bundle, C∞(M) the algebra of smooth
functions, and V(M) the Lie algebra of smooth vector fields. The
directional derivative
makes C∞(M) into a V(M)
module. Using local coordinates, the directional derivative operation
can be expressed as
v(f)=vi∂if,v∈V(M),f∈C∞(M). |
2 Definitions.
Differential forms.
Let A be a C∞(M) module. An ℝ-linear mapping α:V(M)→A is said to be tensorial if it is a
C∞(M)-homomorphism, in other words, if it satisfies
α(fv)=fα(v) |
for all for all vector fields v∈V(M) and functions f∈C∞(M). More generally, a multilinear map α:V(M)×…×V(M)→A is called tensorial if it satisfies
α(fu,…,v)=⋯=α(u,…,fv)=fα(u,…,v) |
for all vector fields u,…,v and all functions f∈C∞(M).
We now define a differential 1-form to be a tensorial linear mapping
from V(M) to C∞(M). More generally, for k=0,1,2,…, we
define a differential k-form to be a tensorial multilinear,
antisymmetric, mapping from V(M)×⋯×V(M) (k
times) to C∞(M). Using slightly fancier language
, the above amounts
to saying that a 1-form is a section
of the cotangent bundle T*M=Hom(TM,ℝ), while a differential k-form as a section of
Henceforth, we let Ωk(M) denote the C∞(M)-module of
differential k-forms. In particular, a differential 0-form is the
same thing as a function. Since the tangent spaces of M are
n-dimensional vector spaces
, we also have Ωk(M)=0 for k>n.
We let
Ω(M)=n⊕k=0Ωk(M) |
denote the vector space of all differential forms. There is a natural
operator, called the exterior product, that endows Ω(M) with
the structure of a graded algebra. We describe this operation below.
Exterior and Interior Product.
Let v∈V(M) be a vector field and α∈Ωk(M) a differential form. We define ιv(ω), the interior product of v and α, to be the differential k-1 form given by
ιv(α)(u1,…,uk-1)=α(v,v1,…,vk-1),v1,…,vk-1∈V(M). |
The interior product of a vector field with a 0-form is defined to be zero.
Let α∈Ωk(M) and β∈Ωℓ(M) be differential forms. We define the exterior, or wedge product α∧β∈Ωk+ℓ(M) to be the unique differential form such that
ιv(α∧β)=ιv(α)∧β+(-1)kα∧ιv(β) |
for all vector fields v∈V(M). Equivalently, we could have defined
(α∧β)(v1,…,vk+ℓ)=∑πsgn(π)α(vπ1,…,vπk)β(vπk+1,…,vπk+ℓ), |
where the sum is taken
over all permutations π of {1,2,…,k+ℓ} such that π1<π2<⋯πk and πk+1<⋯<πk+ℓ, and where
sgnπ=±1 according to whether π is an even
or odd permutation
Exterior derivative.
The exterior derivative is a
first-order differential operator d:Ω*(M)→Ω*(M), that can be defined as the unique linear mapping
d(dα) | =0,α∈Ωk(M); | ||
ιV(df) | =v(f),v∈V(M),f∈C∞(M); | ||
d(α∧β) | =d(α)∧β+(-1)kα∧d(β),α∈Ωk(M),β∈Ωℓ(M). |
3 Local coordinates.
Let (x1,…,xn) be a system of local coordinates on M, and let ∂1,…,∂n denote the corresponding frame of coordinate vector fields. In other words,
∂i(xj)=δi,j |
where the right hand side is the
usual Kronecker delta symbol. By the definition of the
exterior derivative,
ι∂i(dxj)=δi;j |
In other words, the 1-forms dx1,…,dxn form the dual coframe.
Locally, the ∂i freely generate V(M), meaning that every vector field v∈V(M) has the form
v=vi∂i, |
where the coordinate components vi are uniquely determined as
vi=v(xi). |
Similarly, locally the dxi freely generate Ω1(M). This means that every one-form α∈Ω1(M) takes the form
α=αidxi, |
αi=ι∂i(α). |
More generally, locally Ωk(M) is a freely generated by the differential k-forms
dxi1∧⋯∧dxik,1≤i1<i2<⋯<ik≤n. |
Thus, a differential form α∈Ωk(M) is given by
α | =∑i1<…<ikαi1…ikdxi1∧…∧dxik, | (1) | ||
=1k!αi1…ikdxi1∧…∧dxik, |
αi1…ik=α(∂i1,…,∂ik). |
Consequently, for vector fields u,v,…,w∈V(M), we have
α(u,v,…,w)=αi1i2…ikui1vi2⋯wik. |
In terms of local coordinates and the skew-symmetrization index notation, the interior and exterior product, and the exterior derivative take the following expressions:
(ιv(α))i1…ik | =vjαji1…ik,v∈V(M),α∈Ωk+1(M); | (2) | ||
(α∧β)i1…ik+ℓ | =(k+ℓk)α[i1…ikβik+1…ik+ℓ],α∈Ωk(M),β∈Ωℓ(M); | (3) | ||
(dα)i0i1…ik | =(k+1)∂[i0αi1…ik],α∈Ωk(M). | (4) |
Note that some authors prefer a different definition of the components of a differential. According to this alternate convention, a factor of k! placed before the summation sign in (1), and the leading factors are removed from (3) and (4).
Title | differential form |
Canonical name | DifferentialForm |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:44:46 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:44:46 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 28 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 58A10 |
Defines | exterior derivative |
Defines | 1-form |
Defines | exterior product |
Defines | wedge product |
Defines | interior product |
Defines | tensorial |