composition algebra
1 Definition
The classical definition of a composition algebra is a
non-associative algebra C over a field k where
C admits a non-degenerate quadratic form q:C→k, such that
q is multiplicative: q(xy)=q(x)q(y).
We also say q permits composition or that it obeys the composition law.
This definition is geometric in that quadratic forms give rise to geometric atributes
for a vector space
such as length, distance and orthogonality. Indeed, originally created
over the real numbers such properties seem appropriate for an algebra
; however, concepts
of length and distance are less appropriate over arbitrary fields and encourage a second
definition based solely on the algebraic
aspect of such algebras.
Alternatively, a composition algebra can be defined as a unital alternative algebra C
over a field k with an involution
x↦ˉx, that is an anti-isomorphism
of order at most 2, such that:
C has no non-zero absolute zero divisors
(that is, (xa)x=0 for all a∈C implies x=0);
the norm N(x):=xˉx is a scalar multiple of 1, that is, N:C→k1.
The first definition makes the composition property part of the definition but obscures
the alternative multiplication as well as the existence of an involutary anti-isomorphism
for the algebra. The second definition makes both of these properties evident but obscures
the composition property of the norm, and also hides the property that N is a quadratic form.
However both definitions have merit, the first captures the classical view of an algebra
respecting a certain geometric condition while the second, introduced by Jacobson, promotes
a purely algebraic treatment. In our examples and constructions to follows we attempt to exhibit
both aspects by supplying the norm, the involution, and the product.
Both definitions can be generalized to algebras over commutative unital rings k.
Recall that a quadratic form gives rise to a symmetric bilinear
from b:C×C→k by
b(x,y)=q(x+y)-q(x)-q(y), for all x,y∈C. Some of the immediate properties include:
These strongly limit the structure of composition algebras
and leads to the celebrated theorem of Hurwitz (see Theorem 4)
which suitably classifies the composition algebras over ℝ. The work of
many others including Albert, Dickson, Jacobson, and Kaplansky extended the essential
conclussion of Hurwitz to all fields and the resulting generalization
is still
refered to as Hurwitz’s theorem.
There are other algebras A with norms q:A→k which permit composition in the sense that q(xy)=q(x)q(y). For example, alternative algebras with involutions. However, the distinguishing property of composition algebras is that q is a quadratic form. Classifications for such norms have been caried out by Schafer and McCrimmon.
2 Norms
Originally, composition algebras were created over the real numbers k=ℝ.
Here the usual positive definite norm on the real vector space was used instead of
the quadratic form (the square of the norm is the quadratic form).
The first non-trivial example is the set of complex numbers ℂ with where z=a+bi∈ℂ is assigned:
ˉz | = | a-bi; | ||
|z| | = | |a+bi|=√a2+b2=√zˉz. |
More interesting is the non-commutative algebra of Hamiltonians ℍ, created by Hamilton, where each x∈ℋ has the form x=a+bi+cj+dk and
ˉx | = | a-bi-cj-dk; | ||
|x| | = | |a+bi+cj+dk|=√a2+b2+c2+d2=√xˉx. |
The last addition to the list was the non-associative algebra of octonions
initially created by Cayley and the norm is simply
ˉx | = | a-bi-cj-dk-fil-gjl-hkl; | ||
|x| | = | |a+bi+cj+dk+el+fil+gjl+hkl| | ||
= | √a2+b2+c2+d2+e2+f2+g2+h2=√xˉx. |
Because general fields do not sufficient squareroots, the use of norms
in the classical Euclidean sense is replaced by the use of quadratic forms.
Furthermore, the lack of ordering a field, such as a finite field
, introduces the
need to use non-degenerate rather than positive definite conditions. Under these
generalizations composition algebras can be redefined form the classical context
of composition algebras over ℝ to general composition algebras over
arbitrary fields, as done by our original definitions above. In this context,
there are three further composition algebras over ℝ.
Example 1.
Let C=R⊕R with q(x,y)=xy for all (x,y)∈C. Then C is a composition algebra.
Evidently q(ax,ay)=a2q(x,y) and the polarization of q is the symmetric bilinear
form b((x,y),(z,w))=xz-yw for all (x,y),(z,w)∈C (so the signature
is (1,-1)).
Thus q is a quadratic form.
To check that q has the compositional property let (x,y),(z,w)∈C. Then
q((x,y)(z,w))=q(xz,yw)=(xz)(yw)=(xy)(zw)=q(x,y)q(z,w). |
Note also that by defining ¯(x,y)=(y,x) then (x,y)¯(x,y)=(xy,yx)=q(x,y)(1,1) and b((x,y),(z,w))(1,1)=(x,y)(z,w)+¯(x,y)(z,w). ∎
Example 2.
Let C=M2(R) with q(X)=detX for all X∈C. Then C is a composition algebra.
Let X∈C and a∈ℝ. Then q(aX)=det(aX)=det(aI2)detX=a2detX=a2q(X). It is also evident that if X=[abcd] then setting ˉX=[d-b-ca] makes (detX)I2=XˉX and also T(X)I2=X+ˉX, where T(X) is the trace of X. Hence
b(X,Y)=(q(X+Y)-q(X)-q(Y))I2=(det(X+Y))I2-(detX)I2-(detY)I2=(X+Y)¯(X+Y)-XˉX-YˉY=YˉX+XˉY=T(XˉY)I2. |
Therefore, b(X,Y)=T(XˉY). Since T(XˉY)=T(ˉYX)=T(XˉY), it follows that b is a symmetric bilinear form and so q is quadratic form.
Finally, for composition note
q(XY)=det(XY)=detXdetY=q(X)q(Y). |
Therefore C is a composition algebra. ∎
This gives two new composition algebras over ℝ and indeed there is a third, constructed below as the algebra (1,1,1ℝ), which is 8-dimensional and non-associative but unlike the octonions, it has non-trivial zero-divisors.
Definition 3.
A composition algebra is split if the quadratic form is isotropic.
The example of ℝ⊕ℝ and M2(ℝ) just given are both examples of split composition algebras.
3 Involution
ˉx:=b(x,1)1-x,∀x∈C. |
Immediately it follows that: for all x,y∈C,
Define the trace of x as T(x)=x+ˉx and the norm of x as N(x)=ˉxx. Then it follows that:
x2-T(x)x+N(x)=0,∀x∈C. |
So C is a quadratic algebra since every element in x has at most
a quadratic minimal polynomial. In fact N(x) is a quadratic form
allowing composition.
4 Constructing composition algebras
All of the following are composition algebras. [5, III.4]
- dim1:
k, with trivial involution x=ˉx for all x in k.
- dim2:
For any α∈k, a quadratic extension
of k, that is
(αk)=⟨1,i|i2=α⟩. Here {1,i} is a basis and has an involution defined by ˉ1=1 and ˉi=-i.
- dim4:
For any α,β∈k, a quaternion algebra over k defined as
(α,βk)=⟨1,i,j|i2=α,j2=β,ij=-ji⟩ Then {1,i,j,ij} forms a basis.11It is common to use k for ij, but k here is used exclusively for the underlying field. An involution is defined by ˉ1=1, ˉi=-i, ˉj=-j and extended linearly.
- dim8:
For any α,β,γ∈k, an octonion algebra over k:
(α,β,γk)=⟨1,i,j,l|i2=α,j2=β,l2=γ,ij=-ji,il=-li,jl=-lj,i(lj)=-l(ij),(li)j=l(ji),(li)(lj)=-γji⟩. The set {1,i,j,ij,l,il,jl,ijl} is a basis. An involution is defined by ˉ1=1, ˉi=-i, ˉj=-j, ˉl=-l and extended linearly.
Each of these algebras can be realized by the Cayley-Dickson method which takes C an associative k-algebra with involution and produces for each α∈C-{0} a new algebra (αC) on the vector space C⊕C with product
(a,b)(c,d)=(ac+αdˉb,ˉad+cb). |
Set the involution on (αC) to be ¯(a,b)=(ˉa,-b).
The algebras are equipped with a trace Tr(x)=x+ˉx, and norm N(x)=xˉx. This norm serves as the quadratic map to establish these algebras a composition algebras. The images of the trace and norm lie in k.
The new algebra is associative only if C is commutative, otherwise it is alternative. This means that k,(αk),(α,βk) are the associative composition algebras.
An algebra is a division algebra if the only zero-divisor is 0
[5, II.2]. A central simple composition algebra with a non-trivial
zero-divisor is called a split composition algebra. Finite dimensional split
central simple composition algebras are unique up to isomorphism to one of
k,(1k)≅k⊕k,(1,1k)≅M2(k),(1,1,1k). |
5 Classification theorem
Theorem 4.
[2, Theorem 6.2.3] A composition algebra C over a field k with quadratic form q(x)=xˉx is isomorphic to one of the following:
A purely inseparable extension field of characteristic
and exponent (trivial involution) so .
with trivial involution, so ,
Quadratic composition algebra: for ,
Quaternion algebra
: for ,
Octonion algebra: for .
In particular, all composition algebras over , save perhaps those of type , are finite
dimensional and of dimension , , or .
- 1 T.Y. Lam: Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields, AMS, Providence (2004).
N. Jacobson Structure theory of Jordan algebras
, The University of Arkansas lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 5, Fayetteville, 1981.
- 3 K. McCrimmon: A Taste of Jordan Algebras, Springer, New York (2004).
- 4 J.H. Conway, D.A. Smith: On Quaternions and Octonions, Their Geometry, Arithmetic, and Symmetry, AK Peters, Natick, Mass (2003)
- 5 Richard D. Schafer, An introduction to nonassociative algebras, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 22, Academic Press, New York, 1966.
Title | composition algebra |
Canonical name | CompositionAlgebra |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:11:33 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:11:33 |
Owner | Algeboy (12884) |
Last modified by | Algeboy (12884) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | Algeboy (12884) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 17A75 |
Related topic | TheoremsOnSumsOfSquares |