concepts in set theory
The aim of this entry is to present a list of the key objects and
concepts used in set theory. Each entry in the list links
(or will link in the future) to the corresponding PlanetMath
entry where the object is presented in greater detail.
For convenience, this list also presents the encouraged
notation to use (at PlanetMath) for these objects.
set axioms
- •
∅, the empty set
(also {} or ∅),
{x}, singleton,
{a1,a2,a3,…} (list form), the set with elements a1,a2,a3,…,
x∈A, x is an element of the set A,
A∋x, A is a set containing x,
x∉A, x is not an element of the set A,
A∪B, union of sets A and B,
⋃i∈IAi, union of a family of sets Ai indexed by elements of I,
A∐B, disjoint union
(or A⋅∪B),
A∩B, intersection of sets A and B,
⋂i∈IAi, intersection
of a family of sets Ai, indexed by elements in I,
A∖B, set difference
. An alternative notation
for this is A-B, which should be avoided since in the context of vector spaces, A-B is used for the set of all elements of the form a-b (see Minkowski sum (,
A/∼, set of equivalence classes
in A determined by an equivalence relation ∼ in A,
[a], equivalence class in A/∼ generated by a∈A,
A∁, set complement of A (where the ambient set containing A is understood from context),
A△B, symmetric set difference of A and B,
A×B, Cartesian product of A and B,
∏i∈IAi, Cartesian product of the sets Ai (sometimes also ×Aii∈I),
idX, identity mapping X→X,
𝒫(A), power set
of A (also 2A),
BA or BA, the set of functions
from A to B (rare outside of logic and set theory),
f:A→B, f is a function having domain A and codomain B,
card(A), cardinality of A (also ♯A or |A|, which can be confused with the absolute value
A=B, A and B are equal (generally as sets; occasionally this notation is used to mean “A is canonically isomorphic to B”),
A⊆B, A is a subset of B (or A⊂B, especially in set theory and logic),
A⊊, is a proper subset
(that is, but ; occasionally authors will use to mean “proper subset”, conflicting with the above),
, is a superset
of (with the same caveats as the previous entries).
discrete topology
Set builder notation
When is obvious it may be omitted. Other symbols are also sometimes used in place of the words “such that”, for example
The reader should take care that if the objects under discussion are not just sets (say, groups or schemes) the operations may not be simple set operations, but rather their analogue in the relevant category. For example, the product
of two groups is usually assigned a group law of a particular form, while the product of two schemes has “extra” points beyond those obtained from the Cartesian product of the schemes. Such conventions will normally be defined along with the category itself, although occasionally they will be an example of a general notion defined the same way in all categories (such as the categorical direct product).
Title | concepts in set theory |
Canonical name | ConceptsInSetTheory |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:13:14 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:13:14 |
Owner | matte (1858) |
Last modified by | matte (1858) |
Numerical id | 54 |
Author | matte (1858) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 03E99 |
Related topic | Set |
Related topic | PolynomialFunction |