cycle notation
The cycle notation is a useful convention for writing down a
permutations in terms of its constituent cycles. Let S be a finite
, and
a1,…,ak,k≥2 |
distinct elements of S. The expression (a1,…,ak) denotes the cycle whose action is
a1↦a2↦a3…ak↦a1. |
Note there are k different expressions for the same cycle; the following all represent the same cycle:
(a1,a2,a3,…,ak)=(a2,a3,…,ak,a1),=…=(ak,a1,a2,…,ak-1). |
Also note that a 1-element cycle is
the same thing as the identity permutation, and thus there is not
much point in writing down such things. Rather, it is customary to
express the identity permutation simply as () or (1).
Let π be a permutation of S, and let
S1,…,Sk⊂S,k∈ℕ |
be the orbits of π with more than 1 element. For each j=1,…,k let nj denote the cardinality of Sj. Also, choose an a1,j∈Sj, and define
ai+1,j=π(ai,j),i∈ℕ. |
We can now express π as a product of disjoint cycles, namely
π=(a1,1,…an1,1)(a2,1,…,an2,2)…(ak,1,…,ank,k). |
By way of illustration, here are the 24 elements of the symmetric
group on {1,2,3,4} expressed using the cycle notation, and grouped
according to their conjugacy classes
(), | ||
(12),(13),(14),(23),(24),(34) | ||
(123),(213),(124),(214),(134),(143),(234),(243) | ||
(12)(34),(13)(24),(14)(23) | ||
(1234),(1243),(1324),(1342),(1423),(1432) |
Title | cycle notation |
Canonical name | CycleNotation |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:33:41 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:33:41 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20B05 |
Classification | msc 05A05 |
Related topic | Cycle2 |
Related topic | Permutation |
Related topic | OneLineNotationForPermutations |