definite language
A language is definite if the determination of whether a word belongs to the language completely depends on its suffix of a fixed length. Formally,
Definition. Let L be a language over an alphabet Σ. Then L is definite if there is a non-negative integer k such that for any word u over Σ with |u|≥k, its suffix v of length k is in L iff u is in L.
Note that if k=0, then L is either Σ* or ∅.
A definite language has the following characterization:
Proposition 1.
L is definite iff there are finite languages L1 and L2 such that
L=L1∪Σ*L2. |
Suppose first that L is definite. Let L1 be the subset of L containing all words with length less than k and L2 the subset of L containing all words of length k. The case when k=0 is already mentioned in the note above. If k=1, L1 is either {λ} or ∅, depending on whether or not λ∈L. In any case, L1 and L2 are both finite. We verify that L=L1∪Σ*L2. If u∈L and u has length less than k, then u∈L1. Otherwise, it has length at least k. By the definiteness of L, its suffix v of length k is in L, and thus is in L2. Therefore u∈Σ*L2 as a result. This shows that L⊆L1∪Σ*L2. On the other hand, suppose u∈L1∪Σ*L2. If |u|<k, then u∈L1⊆L. If |u|≥k, write u=wv where v is the suffix with length k. Then v∈L2, which means that u∈L since L is definite.
Now suppose L=L1∪Σ*L2 with L1,L2 finite. Let k be the maximum of lengths of words in L1∪L2, plus 1. k is well-defined since L1∪L2 is finite. Suppose u is a word in Σ* with |u|≥k. Then u∉L1. Let v be the suffix of u with |v|=k. Then v∉L1 likewise. If v∈L, then v∈Σ*L2 and hence u∈Σ*L2 as well. If u∈L, then u∈Σ*L2, so that u has a suffix w∈L2. Since |w|<k, w is also a suffix of v, and therefore v∈Σ*L2⊆L as a result. This shows that L is definite. ∎
From this characterization, we see that finite languages are special cases of definite languages. We also see that
Corollary 1.
Every definite language is a regular language.
With regard to the closure properties of definite languages, we have the following: let 𝒟 be the family of definite languages, then 𝒟 is closed under union and complementation, and therefore any Boolean operations. However, 𝒟 is not closed under concatenation, Kleene star, and reversal.
Remark. In fact, every definite language is locally testable. The converse, however, is not true.
A. Salomaa, Formal Languages
, Academic Press, New York (1973).
Title | definite language |
Canonical name | DefiniteLanguage |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:58:57 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:58:57 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 68Q42 |
Classification | msc 68Q45 |