distributivity in po-groups
Let G be a po-group and A be a set of elements of G. Denote the supremum of elements of A, if it exists, by ⋁A. Similarly, denote the infimum
of elements of A, if it exists, by ⋀A. Furthermore, let A-1={a-1∣a∈A}, and for any g∈G, let gA={ga∣a∈A} and Ag={ag∣a∈A}.
If ⋁A exists, so do ⋁gA and ⋁Ag.
If 1. is true, then g⋁A=⋁gA=⋁Ag.
⋁A exists iff ⋀A-1 exists; when this is the case, ⋀A-1=(⋁A)-1.
If ⋀A exists, so do ⋀gA, and ⋀Ag.
If 4. is true, then g⋀A=⋀gA=⋀Ag.
If 1. is true and A={a,b}, then a∧b exists and is equal to a(a∨b)-1b.
Suppose ⋁A exists.
(1. and 2.) Clearly, for each a∈A, a≤⋁A, so that ga≤g⋁A, and therefore elements of gA are bounded from above by g⋁A. To show that g⋁A is the least upper bound of elements of gA, suppose b is the upper bound of elements of gA, that is, ga≤b for all a∈A, this means that a≤g-1b for all a∈A. Since ⋁A is the least upper bound of the a’s, ⋁A≤g-1b, so that g⋁A≤b. This shows that g⋁A is the supremum of elements of gA; in other words, g⋁A=⋁gA. Similarly, ⋁Ag exists and g⋁A=⋁Ag as well.
(3.) Write c=⋁A. Then a≤c for each a∈A. This means c-1≤a-1. If b≤a-1 for all a∈A, then a≤b-1 for all a∈A, so that c≤b-1, or b≤c-1. This shows that c-1 is the greatest lower bound of elements of A-1, or (⋁A)-1=⋀A-1. The converse
is proved likewise.
(4. and 5.) This is just the dual of 1. and 2., so the proof is omitted.
(6.) If A={a,b}, then aA-1b=A, and the existence of ⋀A is the same as the existence of ⋀(aA-1b), which is the same as the existence of a(⋀A-1)b by 4 and 5 above. Since ⋁A exists, so does ⋀A-1, and hence a(⋀A-1)b, by 3 above. Also by 3, we have the equality a(⋀A-1)b=a(⋁A)-1b. Putting everything together, we have the result: a∧b=a(a∨b)-1b.
This completes the proof.
Remark. From the above result, we see that group multiplication distributes over arbitrary joins and meets, if these joins and meets exist.
One can use this result to prove the following: every Dedekind complete po-group is an Archimedean po-group.
Suppose an≤b for all integers n. Let A={an∣n∈ℤ}. Then A is bounded from above by b so has least upper bound ⋁A. Then a⋁A=⋁aA=⋁A, since aA=A. As a result, multiplying both sides by (⋁A)-1, we get a=e. ∎
Remark. The above is a generalization of a famous property of the real numbers: ℝ has the Archimedean property.
Title | distributivity in po-groups |
Canonical name | DistributivityInPogroups |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:05:12 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:05:12 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06F05 |
Classification | msc 06F20 |
Classification | msc 06F15 |
Classification | msc 20F60 |