elementary proof of orders
When possible, our proofs avoid matrices so that the proofs retain some value to infinite dimensional settings. When we use k we mean any field, and GF(q) indicates the special case of a finite field of order q. V is always our vector space.
Remark 1.
There are many alternative methods for computing orders of classical groups,
for instance observing special subgroups
(http://planetmath.org/TheoryFromOrdersOfClassicalGroups2) or from Lie theory and
the study of Chevalley groups. The method explored here is intended to be
elementary linear algebra
The basic starting point in computing orders of classical groups is an application of elementary linear algebra rephrased in group theory terms.
Proposition 2.
GL(V) acts regularly on the set of ordered bases of vector space V over a field k.
Given any two bases B={bi:i∈I} and C={ci:i∈I} of a vector space V, define the map f:V→V by
(∑i∈Ilibi)f=∑i∈Ilici. | (1) |
[Note the above sum has only finitely many non-zero li∈k.] It follows f is an invertible linear transformation so f∈GL(V). Furthermore, any linear transformation g∈GL(V) with (bi)g=ci must satisfy (1) to be linear so indeed g=f. Therefore GL(V) acts regularly on ordered bases of V. ∎
In the world of group theory, a regular action is a typical substitute for knowing the order of a group. In particular, any two groups, even infinite
, have the same order if they have a regular action on the same set. However, we are presently after specific order of finite groups
so we return to the case of V a finite dimension
vector space over a finite field k=GF(q). We do however attempt to establish the orders through bijections with other sets and groups so that the results apply in more general contexts as well.
Theorem 3.
|SL(d,q)|=q(d2)d∏i=2(qi-1),|PSL(d,q)|=|SL(d,q)|(d,q-1),|GL(d,q)|=q(d2)d∏i=1(qi-1),|PGL(d,q)|=|SL(d,q)|,|ΓL(d,q)|=(q-1)q(d2)d∏i=1(qi-1),|PΓL(d,q)|=|ΓL(d,q)|q-1. |
When V=GF(q)d, the number of ordered bases can be counted. A basis
is a set B={b1,…,bd} of linearly independent vectors. So
b1 may be chosen freely from V-{0}, providing qd-1 possible choices.
Next b2 must be chosen independent form b1 so b2 can be freely
chosen from V-⟨b1⟩ leaving qd-q choices. In a similar
fashion b3 has qd-q2 possiblities and so continuing by induction
find the total number of ordered bases to be:
(qd-1)(qd-q)⋯(qd-qd-1). |
Now we treat q as the variable of a polynomial and factor this number into:
q(d2)d∏i=1(qi-1). |
As GL(V) acts regularly on ordered bases of V, this is the order of GL(V).
For the order of SL(V) recall the SL(V) is the kernel of the determinant
. Furthermore, is
as a diagonal matrix
can be used to exhibit any determinant we seek. We conclude
so that .
In a similar process, so if we derive the order of the
center of we derive the order of . The central transforms
are scalar (they must preserve every eigenspace of every linear transform) so
is isomorphic
to . Thus the order of is the same as the order of .
For and simply notice so when we get an additional term.
Finally, we consider . The order of must be computed. So we require scalar transforms with determinant 1. As the such, if is the eigen value of the scalar transform we need in . From finite field theory we know . As this group is cyclic we know that every element satisfying also satisfies and lies in the unique subgroup of order of . Thus . ∎
Title | elementary proof of orders |
Canonical name | ElementaryProofOfOrders |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:56:52 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:56:52 |
Owner | Algeboy (12884) |
Last modified by | Algeboy (12884) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | Algeboy (12884) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 11E57 |
Classification | msc 05E15 |