examples of fields
Fields (http://planetmath.org/Field) are typically sets of “numbers” in which the arithmetic
operations of addition, subtraction
, multiplication and division are
defined. The following is a list of examples of fields.
The set of all rational numbers ℚ, all real numbers ℝ and all complex numbers
ℂ are the most familiar examples of fields.
Slightly more exotic, the hyperreal numbers and the surreal numbers are fields containing infinitesimal
and infinitely large numbers. (The surreal numbers aren’t a field in the strict sense since they form a proper class
and not a set.)
The algebraic numbers
form a field; this is the algebraic closure
of ℚ. In general, every field has an (essentially unique) algebraic closure.
The computable complex numbers (those whose digit sequence
can be produced by a Turing machine) form a field. The definable complex numbers (those which can be precisely specified using a logical formula
) form a field containing the computable numbers; arguably, this field contains all the numbers we can ever talk about. It is countable
The so-called algebraic number fields
(sometimes just called number fields) arise from ℚ by adjoining some (finite number of) algebraic numbers. For instance ℚ(√2)={u+v√2∣u,v∈ℚ} and ℚ(3√2,i)={u+vi+w3√2+xi3√2+y3√4+zi3√4∣u,v,w,x,y,z∈ℚ}=ℚ(i3√2) (every separable
finite field extension is simple).
If p is a prime number
, then the p-adic numbers form a field ℚp which is the completion of the field ℚ with respect to the p-adic valuation
If p is a prime number, then the integers modulo p form a finite field
with p elements, typically denoted by 𝔽p. More generally, for every prime (http://planetmath.org/Prime) power pn there is one and only one finite field 𝔽pn with pn elements.
If K is a field, we can form the field of rational functions over K, denoted by K(X). It consists of quotients of polynomials
in X with coefficients in K.
If V is a variety
(http://planetmath.org/AffineVariety) over the field K, then the function field
of V, denoted by K(V), consists of all quotients of polynomial functions defined on V.
If U is a domain (= connected open set) in ℂ, then the set of all meromorphic functions on U is a field. More generally, the meromorphic functions on any Riemann surface
form a field.
If X is a variety (or scheme) then the rational functions on X form a field. At each point of X, there is also a residue field
which contains information about that point.
The field of formal Laurent series over the field K in the variable X consists of all expressions of the form
∞∑j=-MajXj where M is some integer and the coefficients aj come from K.
More generally, whenever R is an integral domain
, we can form its field of fractions
, a field whose elements are the fractions of elements of R.
Many of the fields described above have some sort of additional structure, for example a topology (yielding a topological field), a total order, or a canonical absolute value
Title | examples of fields |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfFields |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:50:13 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:50:13 |
Owner | AxelBoldt (56) |
Last modified by | AxelBoldt (56) |
Numerical id | 16 |
Author | AxelBoldt (56) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 12E99 |
Related topic | NumberField |