fundamental groupoid
Definition 1.
Given a topological space the fundamental groupoid of is defined as follows:
The objects of are the points of
morphisms are homotopy classes of paths “rel endpoints” that is
where, denotes homotopy rel endpoints, and,
composition of morphisms is defined via concatenation of paths.
It is easily checked that the above defined category is indeed a groupoid with the inverse of (a morphism represented by) a path being (the homotopy class of) the “reverse” path. Notice that for , the group of automorphisms of is the fundamental group of with basepoint ,
Definition 2.
Let be a continuous function between two topological spaces. Then there is an induced functor
defined as follows
on objects is just ,
on morphisms is given by “composing with ”, that is if is a path representing the morphism then a representative of is determined by the following commutative diagram