idempotency of infinite cardinals
In this entry, we show that every infinite cardinal is idempotent
with respect to cardinal addition
and cardinal multiplication.
Theorem 1.
κ⋅κ=κ for any infinite cardinal κ.
For any non-zero cardinal λ, we have λ=1⋅λ≤λ⋅λ. So given an infinite cardinal κ, either κ=κ⋅κ or κ<κ⋅κ. Let 𝒞 be the class of infinite cardinals that fail to be idempotent (with respect to ⋅). Suppose 𝒞≠∅. We shall derive a contradiction. Since 𝒞 consists entirely of ordinals
, it is therefore well-ordered, and has a least member κ.
Let K=κ×κ. As K is a collection of ordered pairs of ordinals, it has the canonical well-ordering inherited from the canonical ordering on On×On. Let α be the ordinal isomorphic
to K. Since κ<κ⋅κ=|K|, there is an initial segment L of K that is order isomorphic to κ.
Since L is an initial segment of K, L={(β1,β2)∣(β1,β2)≺(α1,α2)} for some (α1,α2)∈K. The well-order ⪯ denotes the canonical ordering on K. Let λ=max(α1,α2). Since L⊂K=κ×κ, α1<κ and α2<κ, and therefore λ<κ.
For any (β1,β2)∈L, we have (β1,β2)≺(α1,α2), which implies that max(β1,β2)≤λ. Therefore L⊆λ+×λ+, or |L|≤|λ+×λ+|≤|λ+|⋅|λ+|. There are two cases to discuss:
If λ is finite, so is λ+×λ+, contradicting that L is (order) isomorphic to κ, an infinite set.
If λ is infinite, so is |λ+|. Since λ<κ, and κ is a limit ordinal
, |λ+|<k as well, which means |λ+|∉𝒞, or |λ+|⋅|λ+|=|λ+|. Therefore |L|≤|λ+|⋅|λ+|=|λ+|≤λ+<κ, again contradicting that L is (order) isomorphic to κ.
Therefore, the assumption 𝒞≠∅ is false, and the proof is complete
Corollary 1.
If 0<λ≤κ and κ is infinite, then λ⋅κ=κ.
κ=1⋅κ≤λ⋅κ≤κ⋅κ=κ. By Schroder-Bernstein’s Theorem, λ⋅κ=κ. ∎
Corollary 2.
If λ≤κ and κ is infinite, then λ+κ=κ.
κ=0+κ≤λ+κ≤κ+κ=2⋅κ≤κ⋅κ=κ by the corollary above (since 2≤κ). Another application of Schroder-Bernstein gives κ=λ+κ. ∎
Since κ≤κ, we get the following:
Corollary 3.
κ+κ=κ for any infinite cardinal.
Remark. No cardinal greater than 1 is idempotent with respect to cardinal exponentiation. This is a direct consequence of Cantor’s theorem: κ<2κ≤κκ.
Title | idempotency of infinite cardinals |
Canonical name | IdempotencyOfInfiniteCardinals |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:53:30 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:53:30 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03E10 |
Related topic | CanonicalWellOrdering |