locally ringed space
1 Definitions
A locally ringed space is a topological space X together with a sheaf of rings πͺX with the property that, for every point pβX, the stalk (πͺX)p is a local ring
11All rings mentioned in this article are required to be commutative
A morphism of locally ringed spaces from (X,πͺX) to (Y,πͺY) is a continuous map f:XβΆY together with a morphism of sheaves Ο:πͺYβΆπͺX with respect to f such that, for every point pβX, the induced ring homomorphism
on stalks Οp:(πͺY)f(p)βΆ(πͺX)p is a local homomorphism
. That is,
Οp(y)βπͺp for every yβπͺf(p), |
where πͺp (respectively, πͺf(p)) is the maximal ideal of the ring (πͺX)p (respectively, (πͺY)f(p)).
2 Applications
Locally ringed spaces are encountered in many natural contexts. Basically, every sheaf on the topological space X consisting of continuous functions with values in some field is a locally ringed space. Indeed, any such function which is not zero at a point pβX is nonzero and thus invertible
in some neighborhood of p, which implies that the only maximal ideal of the stalk at p is the set of germs of functions which vanish at p. The utility of this definition lies in the fact that one can then form constructions in familiar instances of locally ringed spaces which readily generalize in ways that would not necessarily be obvious without this framework. For example, given a manifold X and its locally ringed space πX of realβvalued differentiable functions, one can show that the space of all tangent vectors to X at p is naturally isomorphic to the real vector space (πͺp/πͺ2p)*, where the * indicates the dual vector space. We then see that, in general, for any locally ringed space X, the space of tangent vectors at p should be defined as the kβvector space (πͺp/πͺ2p)*, where k is the residue field
(πͺX)p/πͺp and * denotes dual with respect to k as before. It turns out that this definition is the correct definition even in esoteric contexts like algebraic geometry
over finite fields which at first sight lack the differential structure needed for constructions such as tangent vector.
Another useful application of locally ringed spaces is in the construction of schemes. The forgetful functor assigning to each locally ringed space (X,πͺX) the ring πͺX(X) is adjoint
to the βprime spectrumβ functor
taking each ring R to the locally ringed space Spec(R), and this correspondence is essentially why the category
of locally ringed spaces is the proper building block to use in the formulation of the notion of scheme.
Title | locally ringed space |
Canonical name | LocallyRingedSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:37:41 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:37:41 |
Owner | djao (24) |
Last modified by | djao (24) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | djao (24) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 14A15 |
Classification | msc 18F20 |
Related topic | LocalRing |
Related topic | PrimeSpectrum |
Related topic | Scheme |
Defines | morphism of locally ringed spaces |