polyadic semigroup
Recall that a semigroup is a non-empty set, together with an associative binary operation
on it. Polyadic semigroups are generalizations
of semigroups, in that the associative binary operation is replaced by an associative n-ary operation
. More precisely, we have
Definition. Let n be a positive integer at least 2. A n-semigroup is a non-empty set S, together with an n-ary operation f on S, such that f is associative:
f(f(a1,…,an),an+1,…,a2n-1)=f(a1,…,f(ai,…,ai+n-1),…,f2n-1) |
for every i∈{1,…,n}. A polyadic semigroup is an n-semigroup for some n.
An n-semigroup S (with the associated n-ary operation f) is said to be commutative if f is commutative. An element e∈S is said to be an identity element
, or an f-identity
, if
f(a,e,…,e)=f(e,a,…,e)=⋯=f(e,e,…,a)=a |
for all a∈S. If S is commutative, then e is an identity in S if f(a,e,…,e)=a.
Every semigroup S has an n-semigroup structure: define f:Sn→S by
f(a1,an…,an)=a1⋅a2⋯⋅an | (1) |
The associativity of f is induced from the associativity of ⋅.
Definition. An n-semigroup S is called an n-group if, in the equation
f(x1,…,xn)=a, | (2) |
any n-1 of the n variables xi are replaced by elements of G, then the equation with the remaining one variable has at least one solution in that variable. A polyadic group is just an n-group for some integer n.
n-groups are generalizations of groups. Indeed, a 2-group is just a group.
Let G be a 2-group. For a,b∈G, we write ab instead of f(a,b). Given a∈G, there are e1,e2∈G such that ae1=a and e2a=a. In addition, there are x,y∈G such that xa=e2 and ay=e1. So e2=xa=x(ae1)=(xa)e1=e2e1=e2(ay)=(e2a)y=ay=e1.
Next, suppose ae1=ae3=a. Then the equation e2a=a from the previous paragraph as well as the subsequent discussion shows that e1=e2=e3. This means that, for every a∈G, there is a unique ea∈G such that eaa=aea=a. Since e2aa=ea(eaa)=eaa=a=aea=(aea)ea=ae2a, we see that ea is idempotent: e2a=ea.
Now, pick any b∈G. Then there is c∈G such that b=cea. So bea=(cea)ea=ce2a=cea=b. From the last two paragraphs, we see that ea=eb. This shows that there is a e∈G such that ae=ea=a for all a∈G. In other words, e is the identity with respect to the binary operation f.
Finally, given a∈G, there are b,c∈G such that ab=ca=e. Then c=ce=c(ab)=(ca)b=eb=b. In addition, if ab1=ab2=e, then, from the equation ca=e, we get b1=c=b2. This shows b is the unique inverse of a with respect to binary operation f. Hence, G is a group.
Every group has a structure of an n-group, where the n-ary operation f on G is defined by the equation (1) above. Interestingly, Post has proved that, for every n-group G, there is a group H, and an injective function ϕ:G→H with the following properties:
ϕ(G) generates H
If we call the group H with the two above properties a covering group of G, then Post’s theorem states that every n-group has a covering group.
From Post’s result, one has the following corollary: an n-semigroup G is an n-group iff equation (2) above has exactly one solution in the remaining variable, when n-1 of the n variables are replaced by elements of G.
- HB R. H. Bruck, A Survey of Binary Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1966
- EP E. L. Post, Polyadic groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 48, 208-350, 1940, MR 2, 128
- WD W. Dörnte, Untersuchungen über einen verallgemeinerten Gruppenbegriff, Math. Z. 29, 1-19, 1928
Title | polyadic semigroup |
Canonical name | PolyadicSemigroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:37:47 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:37:47 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20N15 |
Classification | msc 20M99 |
Synonym | n-semigroup |
Synonym | n-group |
Defines | n-semigroup |
Defines | n-group |
Defines | polyadic group |
Defines | covering group |