proof of classification of separable Hilbert spaces
The strategy will be to show that any separable, infinite
dimensional Hilbert space
H is equivalent
to ℓ2, where
ℓ2 is the space of all square summable sequences. Then it
will follow that any two separable, infinite dimensional Hilbert
spaces, being equivalent to the same space, are equivalent to each
Since H is separable, there exists a countable dense subset S of
H. Choose an enumeration of the elements of S as s0,s1,s2,…. By the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure, one
can exhibit an orthonormal set
e0,e1,e2,… such that
each ei is a finite linear combination
of the si’s.
Next, we will demonstrate that Hilbert space spanned by the ei’s is in fact the whole space H. Let v be any element of H. Since S is dense in H, for every integer n, there exists an integer mn such that
∥v-smn∥≤2-n |
The sequence (sm0,sm1,sm2,…) is a Cauchy
sequence because
∥smi-smj∥≤∥smi-v∥+∥v-smj∥≤2-i+2-j |
Hence the limit of this sequence must lie in the Hilbert space spanned by
{s0,s1,s2,…}, which is the same as the Hilbert space
spanned by {e0,e1,e2,…}. Thus, {e0,e1,e2,…} is an orthonormal basis for H.
To any v∈H associate the sequence U(v)=(⟨v,s0⟩,⟨v,s1⟩,⟨v,s2⟩,…). That this sequence lies in ℓ2 follows from the generalized Parseval equality
∥v∥2=∞∑k=0⟨v,sk⟩ |
which also shows that ∥U(v)∥ℓ2=∥v∥H. On the other hand, let (w0,w1,w2,…) be an element of ℓ2. Then, by definition, the sequence of partial sums (w20,w20+w21,w20+w21+w22,…) is a Cauchy sequence. Since
∥m∑i=0wiei-n∑i=0wiei∥2=m∑i=0w2i-n∑i=0w2i |
if m>n, the sequence of partial sums of ∑∞k=0wiei
is also a Cauchy sequence, so ∑∞k=0wiei converges
and its limit lies in H. Hence the operator U is invertible
is an isometry between H and ℓ2.
Title | proof of classification of separable Hilbert spaces |
Canonical name | ProofOfClassificationOfSeparableHilbertSpaces |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:34:11 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:34:11 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 46C15 |
Related topic | VonNeumannAlgebra |