proof of Goursat’s theorem
We argue by contradiction. Set
η=∮∂Rf(z)𝑑z, |
and suppose that η≠0. Divide R into four congruent rectangles R1,R2,R3,R4
(see Figure 1), and set
ηi=∮∂Rif(z)𝑑z. |
Figure 1: subdivision of the rectangle contour.
Now subdivide each of the four sub-rectangles, to get 16 congruent
sub-sub-rectangles Ri1i2,i1,i2=1…4, and then continue ad
infinitum to obtain a sequence of nested families of rectangles
Ri1…ik, with ηi1…ik the values of f(z)
integrated along the corresponding contour.
Orienting the boundary of R and all the sub-rectangles in the usual counter-clockwise fashion we have
η=η1+η2+η3+η4, |
and more generally
ηi1…ik=ηi1…ik1+ηi1…ik2+ηi1…ik3+ηi1…ik4. |
In as much as the integrals along oppositely oriented line segments cancel, the contributions from the interior segments cancel, and that is why the right-hand side reduces to the integrals along the segments at the boundary of the composite rectangle.
Let j1∈{1,2,3,4} be such that |ηj1| is the maximum of
|ηi|,i=1,…,4. By the triangle inequality we have
|η1|+|η2|+|η3|+|η4|≥|η|, |
and hence
|ηj1|≥1/4|η|. |
Continuing inductively, let jk+1 be such that |ηj1…jkjk+1| is the maximum of |ηj1…jki|,i=1,…,4. We then have
|ηj1…jkjk+1|≥4-(k+1)|η|. | (1) |
Now the sequence of nested rectangles Rj1…jk converges to some point z0∈R; more formally
{z0}=∞⋂k=1Rj1…jk. |
The derivative
f′(z0) is assumed to exist, and hence for every ϵ>0 there
exists a k sufficiently large, so that for all z∈Rj1…jk
we have
|f(z)-f′(z0)(z-z0)|≤ϵ|z-z0|. |
Now we make use of the following.
Lemma 1
Let Q⊂C be a rectangle, let a,b∈C, and let
f(z) be a continuous, complex valued function defined and bounded
in a domain containing Q. Then,
∮∂Q(az+b)𝑑z=0 | ||
|∮∂Qf(z)|≤MP, |
where M is an upper bound for |f(z)| and where P is the length of ∂Q.
The first of these assertions follows by the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus; after all the function az+b has an anti-derivative. The
second assertion follows from the fact that the absolute value
of an
integral is smaller than the integral of the absolute value of the
integrand — a standard result in integration theory.
Using the Lemma and the fact that the perimeter of a rectangle is greater than its diameter we infer that for every ϵ>0 there exists a k sufficiently large that
ηj1…jk=|∮∂Rj1…jkf(z)𝑑z|≤ϵ|∂Rj1…jk|2=4-k|∂R|2ϵ. |
where |∂R| denotes the length of perimeter of the rectangle R. This contradicts the earlier estimate (1). Therefore η=0.
Title | proof of Goursat’s theorem![]() |
Canonical name | ProofOfGoursatsTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:54:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:54:37 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Proof |
Classification | msc 30E20 |