properties of linear independence
Let V be a vector space over a field k. Below are some basic properties of linear independence.
S⊆V is never linearly independent
if 0∈S.
Since 1⋅0=0. ∎
If S is linearly independent, so is any subset of S. As a result, if S and T are linearly independent, so is S∩T. In addition, ∅ is linearly independent, its spanning set
being the singleton consisting of the zero vector 0.
If r1v1+⋯rnvn=0, where vi∈T, then vi∈S, so ri=0 for all i=1,…,n. ∎
If S1⊆S2⊆⋯ is a chain of linearly independent subsets of V, so is their union.
Let S be the union. If r1v1+⋯rnvn=0, then vi∈Sa(i), for each i. Pick the largest Sa(i) so that all vi’s are in it. Since this set is linearly independent, ri=0 for all i. ∎
S is a basis for V iff S is a maximal linear independent subset of V. Here, maximal means that any proper superset
of S is linearly dependent.
If S is a basis for V, then it is linearly independent and spans V. If we take any vector v∉S, then v can be expressed as a linear combination
of elements in S, so that S∪{v} is no longer linearly independent, for the coefficient in front of v is non-zero. Therefore, S is maximal.
Conversely, suppose S is a maximal linearly independent set in V. Let W be the span of S. If W≠V, pick an element v∈V-W. Suppose 0=r1v1+⋯rnvn+rv, where vi∈S, then -rv=r1v1+⋯+rnvn. If r≠0, then v would be in the span of S, contradicting the assumption
. So r=0, and as a result, ri=0, since S is linearly independent. This shows that S∪{v} is linearly independent, which is impossible since S is assumed to be maximal. Therefore, W=V. ∎
Remark. All of the properties above can be generalized to modules over rings, except the last one, where the implication is only one-sided: basis implying maximal linear independence.
Title | properties of linear independence |
Canonical name | PropertiesOfLinearIndependence |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:05:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:05:37 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 15A03 |