properties of spanning sets
Let V be a vector space over a field k. Let S be a subset of V. We denote Sp(S) the span of the set S. Below are some basic properties of spanning sets.
If v∈Sp(S), then v=r1v1+⋯+rnvn for vi∈S. But vi∈T by assumption
. So v∈Sp(T) as well. If Sp(S)=V, and S⊆T, then V=Sp(S)⊆Sp(T)⊆V. ∎
If S contains 0, then Sp(S-{0})=Sp(S).
Let T=S-{0}. So Sp(T)⊆Sp(S) by 1 above. If v∈Sp(S), then v=r1v1+⋯+rnvn. If one of the vi’s, say vi, is 0, then v=r2v2+⋯+rnvn∈Sp(T). ∎
It is not true that if S1⊇S2⊇⋯ is a chain of subsets, each spanning the same subspace
W of V, so does their intersection
Take V=ℝn, the Euclidean space in n dimensions
. For each i=1,2,…, let Si be the closed ball centered at the origin, with radius 1/i. Then Sp(Si)=V. But the intersection of these Si’s is just the origin, whose span is itself, not V. ∎
S is a basis for V iff S is a minimal
spanning set of V. Here, minimal means that any deletion of an element of S is no longer a spanning set of V.
If S is a basis for V, then S spans V and S is linearly independent
. Let T be the set obtained from S with v∈S deleted. If T spans V, then v can be written as a linear combination
of elements in T. But then S=T∪{v} would no longer be linearly independent, contradiction
the assumption. Therefore, S is minimal.
Conversely, suppose S is a minimal spanning set for V. Furthermore, suppose that S is linearly dependent. Let 0=r1v1+⋯rnvn, with r1≠0. Then
v1=s2v2+⋯+snvn, (1) where si=-ri/r1. So any linear combination of elements in S involving v1 can be replaced by a linear combination not involving v1 through equation (1). Therefore Sp(S)=Sp(S-{v}). But this means that S is not minimal, contrary to our assumption. Therefore, S must be linearly independent. ∎
Remark. All of the properties above can be generalized to modules over rings, except the last one, where the implication is only one-sided: basis implying minimal spanning set.
Title | properties of spanning sets |
Canonical name | PropertiesOfSpanningSets |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:05:40 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:05:40 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 15A03 |
Classification | msc 16D10 |