some structures on ℝn
Let n∈{1,2,…}. Then, as a set, ℝn is the n-fold Cartesian product of the real numbers.
0.0.1 Vector space structure of ℝn
If u=(u1,…,un) and v=(v1,…,vn) are points in ℝn, we define their sum as
u+v=(u1+v1,…,un+vn). |
Also, if λ is a scalar (real number), then scalar multiplication is defined as
λ⋅u=(λu1,…,λun). |
With these operations, ℝn becomes a vector space
(over ℝ) with dimension
In other words, with this structure
, we can talk about, vectors, lines, subspaces
of different dimension.
0.0.2 Inner product for ℝn
For u and v as above, we define the inner product as
⟨u,v⟩=u1v1+⋯+unvn. |
With this product, ℝn is called an Euclidean space
We have also an induced norm ∥u∥=√⟨u,u⟩, which gives
ℝn the structure of a normed space (and thus metric space).
This inner product let us talk about length, angle between vectors, orthogonal vectors.
0.0.3 Topology for ℝn
The usual topology for ℝn is the topology induced by the metric
d(x,y)=∥x-y∥. |
As a basis for the topology induced by the above norm, one can take open balls B(x,r)={y∈ℝn∣∥x-y∥<r} where r>0 and x∈ℝn.
Properties of the topological space ℝn are:
ℝn is second countable, i.e., ℝn has a countable basis.
(Heine-Borel theorem) A set in ℝn is compact
if and only if it is closed and bounded
Since ℝn is a metric space, ℝn is a Hausdorff space.
Title | some structures on ℝn |
Canonical name | SomeStructuresOnmathbbRn |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:03:47 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:03:47 |
Owner | drini (3) |
Last modified by | drini (3) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | drini (3) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 54E35 |
Classification | msc 53A99 |