standard duality on modules over algebras
Let k be a field and let A be an associative unital algebra. Throughout we will assume that all A-modules over k are unital. If M is a right A-module, then the space of all linear mappings
Homk(M,k) |
can be equipped with a left A-module structure as follows: for any f∈Homk(M,k) and a∈A put
(af)(x)=f(xa). |
Note that action direction need to be reversed, because
(abf)(x)=(bf)(xa)=f(xab). |
Analogously Homk(-,k) takes left A-modules to right A-modules. Also this action is compatible with functoriality of Homk(-,k), which means that it takes A-homomorphisms to A-homomorphisms. In particular we obtain a (contravariant) functor
from category
of left (right) A-modules to category of right (left) A-modules. Obviously Hom does not change the dimension of spaces, so we have well defined functors
D:modA→Amod |
D:Amod→modA |
which are restrictions of Hom (here mod means finite dimensional modules left/right modules) and are known in literature as ,,standard dualities”.
Proposition. Both D’s are quasi inverse
dualities of categories.
Proof. Let M be a finite dimensional A-module. We need to define a natural isomorphism between M and DD(M). Indeed, define
τM:M→DD(M); |
τM(m)(α)=α(m). |
We will show that each τ is an isomorphism.
First we will show that τ is a monomorphism
. Assume that τM(m)=0 for nonzero m∈M. This is if and only if α(m)=0 for every linear mapping α:M→k. But m is nonzero, so there is a basis of M (as linear space) which contains m. In particular there is a linear mapping f:M→k such that f(m)=1. Contradiction
. Thus m=0, which completes
this part.
τ is an epimorphism
. Indeed, let F:D(M)→k be a linear mapping. We need to show, that there is m∈M such that
F(α)=α(m) for any α∈D(M). Since M is finite dimensional, then let {e1,…,en} be a k-basis of M. Of course {e*1,…,e*n} is a basis of D(M), where e*i is given by e*i(ej)=1 if i=j and e*i(ej)=0 otherwise. Define
λi=F(e*i) and put
m=n∑i=1λi⋅ei. We leave it as a simple exercise, that τ(m)=F.
What remains is to prove, that τ is natural. Consider an A-homomorphism f:X→Y. We need to show that the following diagram commutes:
\xymatrixX\ar[r]f\ar[d]τX&Y\ar[d]τYDD(X)\ar[r]DD(f)&DD(Y) |
Indeed, if x∈X, then let F=τX(x). We have that
DD(f)(F)=F∘D(f) |
and evaluating this at α∈D(M) we have
F(D(f)(α))=F(α∘f)=(α∘f)(x)=α(f(x))=τY(f(x))(α). |
In particular we obtain that
DD(f)(τX(x))=τY(f(x)) |
which means that
DD(f)∘τX=τY∘f |
which completes the proof. □
Title | standard duality on modules over algebras |
Canonical name | StandardDualityOnModulesOverAlgebras |
Date of creation | 2013-12-11 15:25:39 |
Last modified on | 2013-12-11 15:25:39 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 16S99 |
Classification | msc 20C99 |
Classification | msc 13B99 |