Stone-Weierstrass theorem (complex version)
Theorem - Let X be a compact space and C(X) the algebra of continuous functions
X⟶ℂ endowed with the sup norm ∥⋅∥∞. Let 𝒜 be a subalgebra
of C(X) for which the following conditions hold:
∀x,y∈X,x≠y,∃f∈𝒜:f(x)≠f(y), i.e. 𝒜 separates points
1∈𝒜, i.e. 𝒜 contains all constant functions
If f∈𝒜 then ˉf∈𝒜, i.e. 𝒜 is a self-adjoint ( subalgebra of C(X)
Then 𝒜 is dense in C(X).
Proof: The proof follows easily from the real version of this theorem (see the parent entry (
Let ℛ be the set of the real parts of elements f∈𝒜, i.e.
ℛ:={Re(f):f∈𝒜} |
It is clear that ℛ contains (it is in fact equal) to the set of the imaginary parts of elements of 𝒜. This can be seen just by multiplying any function f∈𝒜 by -i.
We can see that ℛ⊆𝒜. In fact, Re(f)=f+ˉf2 and by condition 3 this element belongs to 𝒜.
Moreover, ℛ is a subalgebra of 𝒜. In fact, since 𝒜 is an algebra, the product of two elements Re(f), Re(g) of ℛ gives an element of 𝒜. But since Re(f).Re(g) is a real valued function, it must belong to ℛ. The same can be said about sums and products by real scalars.
Let us now see that ℛ separates points. Since 𝒜 separates points, for every x≠y in X there is a function f∈𝒜 such that f(x)≠f(y). But this implies that Re(f(x))≠Re(f(y)) or Im(f(x))≠Im(f(y)), hence there is a function in ℛ that separates x and y.
Of course, ℛ contains the constant function 1.
Hence, we can apply the real version of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem to conclude that every real valued function in X can be uniformly approximated by elements of ℛ.
Let us now see that 𝒜 is dense in C(X). Let f∈C(X). By the previous observation, both Re(f) and Im(f) are the uniform limits of sequences {gn} and {hn} in ℛ. Hence,
∥f-(gn+ihn)∥∞≤∥Re(f)-gn∥∞+∥Im(f)-hn∥∞⟶0 |
Of course, the sequence {gn+ihn} is in 𝒜. Hence, 𝒜 is dense in C(X). □
Title | Stone-Weierstrass theorem (complex version) |
Canonical name | StoneWeierstrassTheoremcomplexVersion |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:02:31 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:02:31 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 46J10 |