Let L be a first order language and suppose φ is a formula of L. A subformula of φ is defined as any of the following:
φ is a subformula of φ;
if ¬ψ is a subformula of φ for some L-formula ψ, then so is ψ;
if α∧β is a subformula of φ for some L-formulas α,β, then so are α and β;
if ∃x(ψ) is a subformula of φ for some L-formula ψ, then so is ψ[t/x] for any t free for x in ψ.
Remark. And if the language contains a modal connective, say □, then we also have
if □α is a subformula of φ for some L-formula α, then so is α.
The phrase “t is free for x in ψ” means that after substituting the term t for the variable x in the formula ψ, no free variables in t will become bound variables in ψ[t/x].
For example, if φ=α∨β, then α and β are subformulas of φ. This is so because α∨β=¬(¬α∧¬β), so that ¬α∧¬β is a subformula of φ by applications of 1 followed by 2 above. By 3 above, ¬α and ¬β are subformulas of φ. Therefore, by 2 again, α and β are subformulas of φ.
For another example, if φ=∃x(∃y(x2+y2=1)), then ∃y(t2+y2=1) is a subformula of φ as long as t is a term that does not contain the variable y. Therefore, if t=y+2, then ∃y((y+2)2+y2=1) is not a subformula of φ. In fact, if y∈ℝ, the equation (y+2)2+y2=1 is never true.
Finally, it is easy to see (by induction) that if α is a subformula of ψ and ψ is a subformula of φ, then α is a subformula of φ. “Being a subformula of” is a reflexive
transitive relation on L-formulas.
Remark. There is also the notion of a literal subformula of a formula φ. A formula ψ is a literal subformula of φ if it is a subformula of φ obtained in any one of the first three ways above, or if ∃x(ψ) is a literal subformula of φ.
Note that any literal subformula of φ is a subformula of φ, for if φ=∃x(ψ), then x occurs free in ψ and ψ=ψ[x/x].
In the second example above, ∃y(x2+y2=1) and x2+y2=1 are both literal subformulas of φ=∃x(∃y(x2+y2=1)).
Title | subformula |
Canonical name | Subformula |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:42:52 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:42:52 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03C07 |
Classification | msc 03B10 |
Related topic | Substitutability |
Defines | literal subformula |