In any logical system, the way to obtain (well-formed) formulas from existing ones is by attaching logical connectives to existing ones. For example, in classical propositional logic
, if φ and ψ are formulas, the following
φ∨ψ,¬φ,ψ∧φ |
are formed by attaching logical connectives ∨,¬, and ∧ appropriately to φ and ψ.
Another convenient device is substitution:
replace all occurrences of some symbol x in a formula φ by an expression ψ.
We denote the resulting expression by
φ[ψ/x]. |
For example, in classical propositional logic, if φ is p∧(¬r∨p), then φ[(p∨q)/p] is
(p∨q)∧(¬r∨(p∨q)) |
On the other hand, the expressions
φ[¬/p], which is ¬∧(¬r∨¬), and
φ[q/∧], which is pq(¬r∨q),
are not formulas. Thus, one must be careful when performing substitutions on formulas lest the resulting expressions are ill-formed. In other words, conditions must be placed on x and ψ in φ[ψ/x] in order that φ[ψ/x] is a (well-formed) formula. These conditions are called the substitutability conditions. In this entry, we will concentrate on substitutability conditions on predicate logic. Details on substitions in propositional logic can be found in here (
Substitution in First-Order Logic
Substitution works pretty much the same way for first-order logic as in propositional logic. However, the substitutability conditions are more subtle. Take a look at the following example:
∃x(x=1) |
If we replace x by 0, we end up with
∃0(0=1), |
which is non-sensical (not a wff). This is because x occurs in the formula as a bound variable. (one reason why we distinguish the variables occurring in first order formulas into two types: free and bound).
We now formalize the notion of substitution in first-order logic. There are two parts: substitution for terms, and substitution for formulas.
Definition. For any term t, any symbol x, and any expression s, define t[s/x] inductively, as follows:
if t is an individual variable or a constant symbol, then t[s/x] is s if t is x, and t[s/x] is t otherwise;
if t is f(t1,…,tn), where f is an n-ary function symbol, and each ti is a term, then t[s/x] is f(t1[s/x],…,tn[s/x]).
For example, if t is x+y, then t[(x-y)/x] is (x-y)+y.
It is easy to see that s is a term and x an individual variable, then t[s/x] is a term. In addition, by induction
, one can easily show that if the formula s1=s2 is true, so is the formula t[s1/x]=t[s2/x].
Next, we define substitution for formulas. In light of the last example at the beginning of this section, we need to be a little careful.
Definition. Let φ be a formula, x a symbol, and s an expression. The expression φ[s/x] is again define inductively:
if φ is t1=t2, then φ[s/x] is t1[s/x]=t2[s/x];
if φ is R(t1,…,tn), then φ[s/x] is R(t1[s/x],…,tn[s/x]);
if φ is ¬ψ, then φ[s/x] is ¬(ψ[s/x]);
if φ is ψ∨σ, then φ[s/x] is ψ[s/x]∨σ[s/x];
if φ is ∃yψ, then φ[s/x] is ∃y(ψ[s/x]) if x≠y, and φ[s/x] is φ otherwise.
Again, substitutions involving logical connectives →, ∧, and the universal quantifier ∀ can be derived from the rules given above.
For example, if φ is ∃x(x=y∨y=z), then φ[t/y] is ∃x(x=t∨t=z), whereas φ[t/x] is just φ.
Given that φ is a formula, it is easy to see that if x is an individual variable, and s is a term, then φ[s/x] is a formula.
In addition, it is easy to see that sentences are not affected by substitutions: if φ is a sentence, then φ[s/x] is just φ. In other words, sentences can not be changed into formulas with free variables
Conversely, can a formula with free variables be changed into a sentence by substitution? Certainly. For example, if φ is
∃x(y<x), |
then φ[x/y] is
∃x(x<x). |
Although syntactically correct, this is undesirable in many situations, particularly when we are interested in the interpretations of these formulas. In the example above, we have changed ∃x(y<x), which many very well be true in many interpretations, into ∃x(x<x), something with a fixed meaning (and always false if < is interpreted as the usual less than relation
The problem with the situation described in the last paragraph arises because a free variable in t becomes bound in φ[t/x]. To eliminate this undesirable situation, we define the notion of “free for”:
Definition. Let x be an individual variable, t a term, and φ a formula. We define the relation t is free for, or substitutable for x in φ, inductively, as follows:
φ is an atomic formula;
φ is ¬ψ, and t is free for x in ψ;
φ is ψ∨σ, and t is free for x in ψ and in σ;
φ is ∃yψ, and either
x∉FV(φ) (x does not occur free in φ), or
y does not occur in t, and t is free for x in ψ.
In words, t is free for x in φ iff whenever z is a variable in t, no literal subformula of φ of the form ∃zψ contains an occurrence of x which is free in φ.
For example, f(x,y) is free for x in the following formulas:
P(x,y),P(x)∨¬Q(z),¬∃x¬R(x,y),and |
but not in the following formulas:
Given any formula , we again write to mean that variable occurs in . A substitution instance of is just , or for short. Furthermore, if is free for in , then is called a free substitution instance of .
It is easy, by induction, to show that if terms and are free for in , and that the formula is true, the substitution instances and are logically equivalent, as intended.
Title | substitutability |
Canonical name | Substitutability |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:12:15 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:12:15 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 24 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03B10 |
Classification | msc 03B05 |
Synonym | substitutable for |
Related topic | Subformula |
Related topic | FreeAndBoundVariables |
Defines | free for |
Defines | free substitution instance |