Thom class
Let h* be a generalized cohomology theory (for example, let h*=H*, singular cohomology with integer coefficients). Let ξ→X be a vector bundle of dimension
d over a topological space
X. Assume for convenience that ξ has a Riemannian metric, so that we may speak of its associated sphere and disk bundles, S(ξ) and D(ξ) respectively.
Let x∈X, and consider the fibers S(ξx) and D(ξx). Since D(ξx)/S(ξx) is homeomorphic to the d-sphere, the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for h* imply that h*+d(D(ξx),S(ξx)) is isomorphic to the coefficient group h*(pt) of h*. In fact, h*(D(ξx),S(ξx)) is a free module
of rank one over the ring h*(pt).
Definition 1
An element τ∈h*(D(ξ),S(ξ)) is said to be a Thom class for ξ if, for every x∈X, the restriction of τ to h*(D(ξx),S(ξx)) is an h*(pt)-module generator
Note that τ lies necessarily in hd(D(ξ),S(ξ)).
Definition 2
If a Thom class for ξ exists, ξ is said to be orientable with respect to the cohomology theory h*.
Remark 1
Notice that we may consider τ as an element of the reduced h*-cohomology group ˜h*(Xξ), where Xξ is the Thom space D(ξ)/S(ξ) of ξ. As is the case in the definition of the Thom space, the Thom class may be defined without reference to associated disk and sphere bundles, and hence to a Riemannian metric on ξ. For example, the pair (ξ,ξ-X) (where X is included in ξ as the zero section
) is homotopy equivalent to (D(ξ),S(ξ)).
Remark 2
If h* is singular cohomology with integer coefficients, then ξ has a Thom class if and only if it is an orientable vector bundle in the ordinary sense, and the choices of Thom class are in one-to-one correspondence with the orientations.
Title | Thom class |
Canonical name | ThomClass |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:40:48 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:40:48 |
Owner | antonio (1116) |
Last modified by | antonio (1116) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | antonio (1116) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 55-00 |
Related topic | Orientation2 |
Defines | orientability with respect to a generalized homology theory |