equivalent definitions for UFD
Let R be an integral domain. Define
T={u∈R|u is invertible}∪{p1⋯pn∈R|pi is prime}. |
Of course 0∉T and T is a multiplicative subset (recall that a prime element multiplied by an invertible element is again prime). Furthermore R is a UFD if and only if T=R\{0} (see the parent object for more details).
Lemma. If a,b∈R are such that ab∈T, then both a,b∈T.
Proof. If ab is invertible, then (since R is commutative
) both a,b are invertible and thus they belong to T. Therefore assume that ab is not invertible. Then
ab=p1⋯pk |
for some prime elements pi∈R. We can group these prime elements in such way that p1⋯pn divides a and pn+1⋯pk divides b. Thus a=αp1⋯pn and b=βpn+1⋯pk for some α,β∈R. Since R is an integral domain we conclude that αβ=1, which means that both α,β are invertible in R. Therefore (for example) αp1 is prime and thus a∈T. Analogously b∈T, which completes the proof. □
Theorem. (Kaplansky) An integral domain R is a UFD if and only if every nonzero prime ideal in R contains prime element.
Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that R is not a field, because the thesis trivialy holds for fields. In this case R always contains nonzero prime ideal (just take a maximal ideal).
,,⇒” Let P be a nonzero prime ideal. In particular P is proper, thus there is nonzero x∈P which is not invertible. By assumption x∈T and since x is not invertible, then there are prime elements p1,…,pk∈R such that x=p1⋯pk∈P. But P is prime, therefore there is i∈{1,…,k} such that pi∈P, which completes this part.
,,⇐” Assume that R is not a UFD. Thus there is a nonzero x∈R such that x∉T. Consider an ideal (x). We will show, that (x)∩T=∅. Assume that there is r∈R such that rx∈T. It follows that x∈T (by lemma). Contradiction.
Since (x)∩T=∅ and T is a multiplicative subset, then there is a prime ideal P in R such that (x)⊆P and P∩T=∅ (please, see this entry (http://planetmath.org/MultiplicativeSetsInRingsAndPrimeIdeals) for more details). But we assumed that every nonzero prime ideal contains prime element (and P is nonzero, since x∈P). Obtained contradiction completes the proof. □
Title | equivalent definitions for UFD |
Canonical name | EquivalentDefinitionsForUFD |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:04:04 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:04:04 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 13G05 |
Related topic | UniqueFactorizationAndIdealsInRingOfIntegers |