continuous functional calculus
Let B(H) be the algebra of bounded operators
over a complex Hilbert space
H. Let T∈B(H) be a normal operator.
The continuous functional calculus is a functional calculus which enables the expression
f(T) |
to make sense as a bounded operator in H, for continuous functions f.
More generally, when 𝒜 is a C*-algebra ( with identity element e, and x is a normal element
of 𝒜, the continuous functional calculus allows one to define f(x)∈𝒜 when f is a continuous function.
More precisely, if σ(x) denotes the spectrum of x and C(σ(x)) denotes the C*-algebra of complex valued continuous functions on σ(x), we will define a continuous homomorphism
that the functional calculus ( .
There are several reasons to require the continuity of f on the spectrum σ(x).
For example, suppose λ0∈σ(x). The function f(λ)=1λ-λ0 is clearly not continuous in λ0. By the functional calculus we would obtain
f(x)=1x-λ0e=(x-λ0e)-1 |
but x-λ0e is not invertible since λ0∈σ(x).
The abstraction towards C*-algebras is almost . Indeed, C*-algebras are the appropriate where to and prove the continuous functional calculus. The conclusions towards B(H) then follow as a particular case.
1 Preliminary construction
Let 𝒜 be a unital C*-algebra and x a normal element in 𝒜. Let ℬ⊆𝒜 be the C*-subalgebra generated by x and the identity e of 𝒜.
Thus, ℬ is the norm closure of the algebra generated by x, x* and e.
Moreover, since x is , x*x=xx*, it follows that ℬ is commutative and ℬ consists of those elements y∈𝒜 that can be approximated by polynomials
p(x,x*) in x and x*.
Recall the following facts:
Since ℬ is a commutative unital C*-algebra, the set △ of multiplicative linear functionals on ℬ is a compact
Hausdorff space.
Let C(△) denote the C*-algebra of complex valued continuous functions on △. The Gelfand transform G:ℬ⟶C(△) is a C*-isomorphism
The following result is perhaps the for the definition of the continuous functional calculus.
Theorem 1 - △ and σ(x) are homeomorphic topological spaces
. Moreover, the mapping S:△→σ(x) defined by
S(ϕ):= |
is such an homeomorphism.
: We need to check that is well defined, i.e. for all .
From the identity
follows that cannot be invertible in (recall that is a multiplicative linear functional on ).
Thus, . By the spectral invariance theorem, we see that , and so is well defined.
is continuous - Suppose is a net in such that . Recall that the topology in is the weak-* topology, so .
Thus, and so is continuous.
is - Suppose . Then, . Since
we must also have .
Recall that the ”polynomials” are dense in . So we must have for every , i.e. .
is - Let . Then is not invertible.
Since is commutative, is contained in a maximal ideal
As is maximal ideal, the quotient is a division algebra
, and so by the Gelfand-Mazur theorem, must ne isomorphic to .
Therefore the quotient homomorphism
is a multiplicative linear functional such that , i.e. , i.e. .
Therefore, is surjective.
Since is a continuous bijective function from the compact Hausdorff space to , it follows that it must be a homeomorphism.
2 Definition of the continuous functional calculus
If is the homeomorphism between and defined as above, then the mapping is a *-isomorphism between the algebras and . Since the Gelfand transform is a also a *-isomorphism, we obtain a *-isomorphism
by setting .
Definition - Suppose is a normal element in a unital -algebra . For every we define
The mapping , such that , is called the continuous functional calculus for .
We now prove the functional calculus ( for the continuous functional calculus and show its uniqueness:
Theorem 2 - Let be a unital -algebra, a normal element and the identity function in . The continuous functional calculus for is the unique unital *-homomorphism between and which sends to . In particular, for every polynomial in of the form , we have .
: We have seen that the continuous functional calculus for is a *-homomorphism between and . Recall that was defined by . It is clear by the definition that is unital. Also, for every . Taking the identity function we obtain that for every
Since the Gelfand transform is a *-isomorphism, we must have .
Now, let be a polynomial of the form . Notice that . If is any unital *-homomorphism such that , then one must have . Thus all such unital *-homomorphisms coincide on the subspace of polynomials of the above form. By the Stone-Weierstrass theorem (, this subspace is dense in . Thus, all such unital *-homomorphisms coincide in , and uniqueness is proven.
3 Properties
The spectral mapping theorem assures that for
When the continuous functional calculus assures the existence of a square root of , since is defined and continuous on .
Title | continuous functional calculus |
Canonical name | ContinuousFunctionalCalculus |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:30:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:30:02 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Feature |
Classification | msc 47A60 |
Classification | msc 46L05 |
Classification | msc 46H30 |
Related topic | FunctionalCalculus |
Related topic | PolynomialFunctionalCalculus |
Related topic | BorelFunctionalCalculus |
Defines | continuous functions of normal operators |