Cayley’s parameterization of orthogonal matrices
Any orthogonal matrix O which does not have -1 as an eigenvalue
can be expressed as
O=(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
for some suitable skew-symmetric matrix A. Conversely, any skew-symmetric matrix A can be expressed in terms of a suitable orthogonal matrix O by a similar formula
A=(O+I)-1(O-I). |
These two formulae are each other’s inverses and set up a one-to-one correspondence between orthogonal
and skew-symmetric matrices.
0.0.1 Proof
The restriction on the eigenvalues of O is necessary in order for I+O to be invertible.
It is a matter of simple computation why these formulae are correct. Suppose that A is skew-symmetric. Then
OTO=((I+A)(I-A)-1)T(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
Using the fact that the transpose of a product
is the product of the transposes in the opposite order,
=((I-A)-1)T(I+A)T(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
Using the fact that the transpose of a sum is the sum of transposes and the transpose of an inverse is the inverse of the transpose,
=(IT-AT)-1(IT+AT)(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
By the definition of skew-symmetry, AT=-A and IT=I,
=(I+A)-1(I-A)(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
Finally, since I+A and I-A commute, we may switch the order of the second and third factors:
=(I+A)-1(I+A)(I-A)(I-A)-1 |
Then the first two factors and the last two factors cancel, showing that OTO=I.
Next, we verify that the second formula is indeed the inverse of the first formula. Multiplying by I-A on both sides,
O(I-A)=I+A |
Expanding this and moving terms from one side of the equation to the other,
O-I=A+OA |
O-I=(I+O)A |
Multiplying both sides by (I+O)-1, we obtain the desired formula:
(O+I)-1(O-I)=A |
Finally, one can show that, if O is orthogonal, then A is skew-symmetric using the same sort of computation that was used to show the converse:
AT=((O+I)-1(O-I))T |
Using the facts about transposes of sums, products, and inverses,
=(OT-IT)(OT+IT)-1 |
Since O is orthogonal, OT=O-1. As usual IT=I.
=(O-1-I)(O-1+I)-1 |
Insert an identity matrix between the two factors like so:
=(O-1-I)I(O-1+I)-1 |
Replace the identity matrix with OO-1:
=(O-1-I)OO-1(O-1+I)-1 |
Absorbing the O and the O-1 into the factors,
=(I-O)(I+O)-1=-(O-I)(O+I)-1. |
O(O+I)-1=((O+I)OT)-1=(I+OT)-1=(OT(O+I))-1=(O+I)-1O, |
(O-I) and (O+I)-1 commute, and consequently
=-(O+I)-1(O-I)=-A. |
0.0.2 Cayley Transform
The relation between A and O which is set up by the formulas
O=(I+A)(I-A)-1 |
A=(O+I)-1(O-I) |
is sometimes known as the Cayley transform. Note that the proof that these two formulas are each other’s inverses did not require A to be skew-symmetric or O to be orthogonal. Hence, the Cayley transform is defined for all matrices such that -1 is not an eigenvalue of O. (Recall that this condition is necessary to insure that O+I is invertible.
0.0.3 Generalizations
The Cayley parameterization can be generalized to unitary transforms. Namely, if U is a unitary matrix, then U is the Cayley transform of a skew-Hermitean matrix A. Since a skew-Hermitean matrix can be written as i times a Hermitean matrix, the Cayley transform is often written as follows when dealing with unitary matrices:
U=(iI+H)(iI-H)-1 |
iH=(U+I)-1(U-I) |
where H is Hermitean. The proof in this case is substantially the same as was presented above; all one has to do is replace matrix transposition with Hermitean conjugation
A special case of this worth pointing out is the case of one-dimensional unitary matrices. The sole entry of a one dimensional unitary matrix must have modulus 1 and the sole entry of a one-dimensional Hermitean matrix must be real. In that case, the Cayley transform reduces to
u=i+hi-h |
ih=u+iu-i, |
which is a fractional linear transform that maps the unit circle to the real axis.
The Cayley parameterization can be generalized to the case of a general inner product with arbitrary signature
(see Sylvester’s law for the definition of signature — Cayley and Sylvester were the best of friends). We simply need to define the transpose of a matrix M by the condition (MTu)⋅v=u⋅(Mv) for all vectors u and v. In particular, this allows one to parameterize pseudo-orthogonal matrices such as Lorentz transformations using a Cayley parameterization. Likewise, given a conjugate linear inner product on a complex vector space, one has a Cayley parameterization of the unitary (or pseudo-unitary) transforms which preserve the product.
In conclusion, it might be worth pointing out that the Cayley transform generalizes to the case of infinite
, if one replaces matrices with operators
on a Hilbert space
. In particular, it is useful because unitary and orthogonal operators are bounded whereas Hermitean and skew-symmetric operators may or may not be bounded. For instance, it is often easier to obtain the spectral decomposition of a Hermitean operator or study symmetric
of a symmetric operator by first performing a Cayley transform and dealing with the resulting bounded operator
Title | Cayley’s parameterization of orthogonal matrices |
Canonical name | CayleysParameterizationOfOrthogonalMatrices |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:51:38 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:51:38 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 20 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 22E70 |
Classification | msc 15A57 |
Defines | Cayley transform |