examples of infinite simple groups
Let X be a set and let f:X→X be a function. Define
C(f)={x∈X|f(x)≠x}. |
Throughout, we will say that f:X→X is a permutation on X iff
f is a bijection and C(f) is a finite set
For permutation f:X→X, the set C(f) will play the role of a ,,bridge” between the infinite world and the finite world.
Let S(X) denote the group of all permutations on X (with composition as a multiplication). For f∈S(X), subset A⊂X will be called f-finite iff A is finite and C(f)⊆A. This is equivalent
to the fact, that A is finite and if f(x)≠x, then x∈A.
It is easy to see, that if f∈S(X) and A is f-finite, then f(A)=A. Thus, we have well defined permutation (on a finite set) fA:A→A by the formula fA(x)=f(x).
Lemma. For any subset A⊆X and any f,g∈S(X) such that A is f-finite and g-finite we have that A is f∘g-finite and
(f∘g)A=fA∘gA. |
Proof. Assume, that A is f-finite and g-finite. Let x∈X be such that (f∘g)(x)≠x. Assume, that x∉A. Then f(x)=g(x)=x and thus (f∘g)(x)=x. Contradiction. Thus x∈A, so C(f∘g)⊆A and since A is finite, then A is f∘g-finite. Finally, the equality
(f∘g)A=fA∘gA |
holds, because (f∘g)A is well definied (since A is f∘g-finite) and the operation (⋅)A does not change the formulas of functions. □
Now we can talk about the sign of a permutation. For f∈S(X) define
sgn(f)=sgn(fA). |
It can be easily checked, that sgn is well defined (indeed, sign depends only on those x∈X for which f(x)≠x). Furthermore, it follows directly from the definition, that
sgn:S(X)→{-1,1} |
is a group homomorphism (in {-1,1} we have standard multiplication). Define
A(X)=ker(sgn). |
Briefly speaking, A(X) is the subgroup of even permutations
on a set X (a.k.a. the alternating group
for the set X).
Now, we shall prove the following proposition, using the fact, that for any finite set X with at least 5 elements, the group A(X) is simple (this is well known fact).
Proposition. If X is an infinite set, then A(X) is a simple group.
Proof. Assume, that A(X) is not simple and let N⊆A(X) be a proper, nontrivial, normal subgroup. For a subset Y⊆X define
NY={fY|f∈N and C(f)⊆Y}. |
Note, that
A(Y)={fY|f∈A(X) and C(f)⊆Y}. |
Obviously NY⊆A(Y) is a subgroup (due to lemma) of A(Y). We will show, that it is normal. Let fY∈NY and gY∈A(Y). We have to show, that gY∘fY∘g-1Y∈NY. Of course
g∘f∘g-1∈N, |
because N is normal (here f,g correspond to fY,gY). It follows from lemma (note, that Y is g∘f∘g-1-finite), that
gY∘fY∘g-1Y=(g∘f∘g-1)Y∈NY, |
which shows, that NY is normal. To obtain the contradiction, we need to show, that there exists Y⊆X with at least 5 elements, such that NY is nontrivial and proper (because in this case A(Y) is simple).
Let f∈N be such that f≠idX and let g∈A(X) be such that g∉N. Let Y be any f-finite and g-finite subset of X with at least 5 elements (such subset exists). Then NY is nontrivial, because fY∈NY is nontrivial.
Now assume, that gY∈NY, i.e. assume, that there exists h∈N with C(h)⊆Y, such that gY=hY. Then (due to lemma) Y is h∘g-1-finite, and since gY=hY we have that for any x∈Y the following holds:
(h∘g-1)(x)=x. |
On the other hand, for x∈X\Y we have g(x)=h(x)=x. This shows, that h=g, but h∈N and g∉N. Contradiction. Thus gY∉NY, so NY is proper.
This completes the proof. □
Remark. This proposition shows, that the class of simple groups is actually a proper class, i.e. it is not a set. Therefore studying infinite simple groups can be very difficult.
Title | examples of infinite simple groups |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfInfiniteSimpleGroups |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:09:17 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:09:17 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 20E32 |