free Boolean algebra
Let A be a Boolean algebra and X⊆A such that ⟨X⟩=A. In other words, X is a set of generators
of A. A is said to be freely generated by X, or that X is a free set of generators of A, if ⟨X⟩=A, and every function f from X to some Boolean algebra B can be extended to a Boolean algebra homomorphism g from A to B, as illustrated by the commutative diagram
where i:X→A is the inclusion map. By extension
of f to g we mean that g(x)=f(x) for every x∈X. Any subset X⊆A containing 0 (or 1) can never be a free generating set for any subalgebra
of A, for any function f:X→B such that f(0)≠0 can never be extended to a Boolean homomorphism.
A Boolean algebra is said to be free if it has a free set of generators. If A has X as a free set of generators, A is said to be free on X. If A and B are both free on X, then A and B are isomorphic. This means that free algebras are uniquely determined by its free generating set, up to isomorphisms
A simple example of a free Boolean algebra is the one freely generated by one element. Let X be a singleton consisting of a. Then the set A={0,a,a′,1} is a Boolean algebra, with the obvious Boolean operations identified. Every function from X to a Boolean algebra B singles out an element b∈B corresponding to a. Then the function g:A→B given by g(a)=b, g(a′)=b′, g(0)=0, and g(1)=1 is clearly Boolean.
The two-element algebra {0,1} is also free, its free generating set being ∅, the empty set
, since the only function on ∅ is ∅, and thus can be extended to any function.
In general, if X is finite, then the Boolean algebra freely generated by X has cardinality 22|X|, where |X| is the cardinality of X. If X is infinite, then the cardinality of the Boolean algebra freely generated by X is |X|.
Title | free Boolean algebra |
Canonical name | FreeBooleanAlgebra |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:01:23 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:01:23 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06E05 |
Classification | msc 03G05 |
Classification | msc 06B20 |
Classification | msc 03G10 |