free semigroup with involution
Let X,X‡ be two disjoint sets in bijective correspondence given by the map :‡X→X‡. Denote by Y=X∐X‡ (here we use ∐ instead of ∪ to remind that the union is actually a disjoint union
) and by Y+ the free semigroup
on Y. We can extend the map ‡ to an involution :‡Y+→Y+ on Y+ in the following way: given w∈Y+, we have w=w1w2…wk for some letters wi∈Y; then we define
w‡=w‡kw‡k-1…w‡2w‡1. |
It is easily verified that this is the unique way to extend ‡ to an involution on Y. Thus, the semigroup (X∐X‡)+ with the involution ‡ is a semigroup with involution. Moreover, it is the free semigroup with involution on X, in the sense that it solves the following universal problem: given a semigroup with involution S and a map Φ:X→S, a semigroup homomorphism ˉΦ:(X∐X‡)+→S exists such that the following diagram commutes:
\xymatrix&X\ar[r]ι\ar[d]Φ&(X∐X‡)+\ar[dl]ˉΦ&S& |
where ι:X→(X∐X‡)+ is the inclusion map. It is well known from universal algebra
that (X∐X‡)+ is unique up to isomorphisms
If we use Y* instead of Y+, where Y*=Y+∪{ε} and ε is the empty word (i.e. the identity
of the monoid Y*), we obtain a monoid with involution (X∐X‡)* that is the free monoid with involution on X.
Title | free semigroup with involution |
Canonical name | FreeSemigroupWithInvolution |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:11:30 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:11:30 |
Owner | Mazzu (14365) |
Last modified by | Mazzu (14365) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | Mazzu (14365) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 20M10 |
Defines | free semigroup with involution |
Defines | free monoid with involution |