homogeneous space
Overview and definition.
Let G be a group acting transitively on a set X. In other words,
we consider a homomorphism ϕ:G→Perm(X), where the latter
denotes the group of all bijections of X. If we consider G as
being, in some sense, the automorphisms
of X, the transitivity
means that it is impossible to distinguish a particular
element of X from any another element. Since the elements of X
are indistinguishable, we call X a homogeneous space
Indeed, the concept
of a homogeneous space, is logically equivalent to
the concept of a transitive group action
Action on cosets.
Let G be a group, H<G a subgroup, and let G/H denote the set of
left cosets
, as above. For every g∈G we consider the mapping
ψH(g):G/H→G/H with action
aH→gaH,a∈G. |
Proposition 1
The mapping ψH(g) is a bijection. The corresponding mapping ψH:G→Perm(G/H) is a group homomorphism, specifying a transitive group action of G on G/H.
Thus, G/H has the natural structure of a homogeneous space. Indeed,
we shall see that every homogeneous space X is isomorphic to G/H,
for some subgroup H.
N.B. In geometric applications, the want the homogeneous space X to
have some extra structure, like a topology or a differential
structure. Correspondingly, the group of automorphisms is either a
continuous group or a Lie group. In order for the quotient space
to have a Hausdorff topology, we need to assume that the subgroup H
is closed in G.
The isotropy subgroup and the basepoint identification.
Let X be a homogeneous space. For x∈X, the subgroup
Hx={h∈G:hx=x}, |
consisting of all G-actions that fix x, is called the isotropy subgroup at the basepoint x. We identify the space of cosets G/Hx with the homogeneous space by means of the mapping τx:G/Hx→X, defined by
τx(aHx)=ax,a∈G. |
Proposition 2
The above mapping is a well-defined bijection.
To show that τx is well defined, let a,b∈G be members of the same left coset, i.e. there exists an h∈Hx such that b=ah. Consequently
bx=a(hx)=ax, |
as desired. The mapping τx is onto because the action of
G on X is
assumed to be transitive. To show that τx is one-to-one, consider
two cosets aHx,bHx,a,b∈G such that
ax=bx. It follows that b-1a fixes x, and hence is an
element of Hx. Therefore aHx and bHx are the same coset.
The homogeneous space as a quotient.
Next, let us show
that τx is equivariant relative to the action of G on X
and the action of G on the quotient G/Hx.
Proposition 3
We have that
ϕ(g)∘τx=τx∘ψHx(g) |
for all g∈G.
To prove this, let g,a∈G be given, and note that
ψHx(g)(aHx)=gaHx. |
The latter coset corresponds under τx to the point gax, as desired.
Finally, let us note that τx identifies the point x∈X with
the coset of the identity element eHx, that is to say, with the
subgroup Hx itself. For this reason, the point x is often called
the basepoint of the identification τx:G/Hx→X.
The choice of basepoint.
Next, we consider the effect of the choice of basepoint on the quotient structure of a homogeneous space. Let X be a homogeneous space.
Proposition 4
The set of all isotropy subgroups {Hx:x∈X} forms a
single conjugacy class of subgroups in G.
To show this, let x0,x1∈X be given. By the transitivity of the action we may choose a ˆg∈G such that x1=ˆgx0. Hence, for all h∈G satisfying hx0=x0, we have
(ˆghˆg-1)x1=ˆg(h(ˆg-1x1))=ˆgx0=x1. |
Similarly, for all h∈Hx1 we have that ˆg-1hˆg fixes x0. Therefore,
ˆg(Hx0)ˆg-1=Hx1; |
or what is equivalent, for all x∈X and g∈G we have
gHxg-1=Hgx. |
Since we can identify a homogeneous space X with G/Hx for every possible x∈X, it stands to reason that there exist equivariant bijections between the different G/Hx. To describe these, let H0,H1<G be conjugate subgroups with
H1=ˆgH0ˆg-1 |
for some fixed ˆg∈G. Let us set
X=G/H0, |
and let x0 denote the identity coset H0, and x1
the coset ˆgH0. What is the subgroup of G that fixes x1?
In other words, what are all the h∈G such that
hˆgH0=ˆgH0, |
or what is equivalent, all h∈G such that
ˆg-1hˆg∈H0. |
The collection of all such h is
precisely the subgroup H1. Hence, τx1:G/H1→G/H0 is
the desired equivariant bijection. This is a well defined mapping
from the set of H1-cosets to the set of H0-cosets, with action
given by
τx1(aH1)=aˆgH0,a∈G. |
Let ψ0:G→Perm(G/H0) and ψ1:G→Perm(G/H1) denote the corresponding coset G-actions.
Proposition 5
For all g∈G we have that
τx1∘ψ1(g)=ψ0(g)∘τx1. |
Title | homogeneous space |
Canonical name | HomogeneousSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:28:07 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:28:07 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20A05 |
Defines | action on cosets |
Defines | isotropy subgroup |