Krasner’s lemma
Krasner’s lemma (along with Hensel’s lemma) connects valuations on fields to the algebraic structure
of the fields, and in particular to polynomial roots.
Lemma 1.
(Krasner’s Lemma) Let K be a field of characteristic 0 complete with respect to a nontrivial nonarchimedean absolute value
. Assume α,β∈ˉK (where ˉK is some algebraic closure
of K) are such that for all nonidentity embeddings
σ∈HomK(K(α),ˉK) we have |α-β|<|σ(α)-α|. Then K(α)⊂K(β).
This says that for any α∈ˉK, there is a neighborhood of α each of whose elements generates at least the same field as α does.
It suffices to show that for every σ∈HomK(β)(K(α,β),ˉK), we have σ(α)=α, for then α is in the fixed field of every embedding of K(β), so α∈K(β). Note that
|σ(α)-β|=|σ(α)-σ(β)|=|σ(α-β)|=|α-β| |
where the final equality follows since |σ(⋅)| is another absolute value extending |⋅|K to K(α,β) and thus must be equal to |⋅|. But then
|σ(α)-α|=|(σ(α)-β)+(β-α)|≤max(|σ(α)-β|,|α-β|)=|α-β| |
But this is impossible by the bounds on α,β unless σ(α)=α. ∎
The first application of Krasner’s lemma is to show that splitting fields are “locally constant” in the sense that sufficiently close polynomials
in K[X] have the same splitting fields.
Proposition 2.
With K as above, let P(X)∈K[X] be a monic irreducible polynomial of degree n with (distinct) roots α1,…,αn. Then any monic polynomial
Q(X)∈K[X] of degree n that is “sufficiently close” to P(X) will be irreducible
over K with roots β1,…βn, and (after renumbering) K(αi)=K(βi).
Here “sufficiently close” means the following: consider the space of degree n polynomials over K as homeomorphic to Kn as a topological space; close then means close in the obvious metric induced by |⋅|.
Since P(X) has distinct roots, we may choose 0<γ<min(|αi-αj|) for i≠j≤n. Since the roots of a polynomial vary continuously with its coefficients, we say that a degree n polynomial Q(X)∈K[X] is sufficiently close to P(X) if Q(X) has roots β1,…,βn with |αi-βi|<γ. But {αj}j≠i are all the Galois conjugates of αi, and |αi-βi|<γ<|αi-αj| by construction, so by Krasner’s lemma, K(αi)⊂K(βi). But
[K(βi):K]≤degQ=degP=[K(αi):K] |
so that K(βi)=K(αi). In addition, we see that degQ=[K(βi):K] and thus that Q(X) is irreducible.
We use this fact to show that every finite extension of ℚp arises as a completion of some number field
Corollary 3.
Let K be a finite extension of Qp of degree n. Then there is a number field E and an absolute value |⋅| on E such that ˆE≅K.
Let K=ℚp(α) and let P be the minimal polynomial for α over ℚp. Since ℚ is dense in ℚp, we can choose Q(X)∈ℚ[X] (note: in ℚ[X], not ℚp[X]), and β a root of Q(X), as in the proposition, so that ℚp(α)=ℚp(β). Let E=ℚ(β). Clearly E is a number field which, when regarded as embedded in ℚp(β), has absolute value |⋅|E, the restriction
of the absolute value on ℚp(α)=ℚp(β). Then ˆE is a complete field with respect to that absolute value; ℚp(β) is as well, and E is dense in both, so we must have ˆE=ℚp(β)=ℚp(α)=K.
Finally, we can prove the following generalization of Krasner’s Lemma, which is also given that name in the literature:
Lemma 4.
Let K be a field of characteristic 0 complete with respect to a nontrivial nonarchimedean absolute value, and ˉK an algebraic closure of K. Extend the absolute value on K to ˉK; this extension is unique. Let ˆˉK be the completion of ˉK with respect to this absolute value. Then ˆˉK is algebraically closed.
Let α be algebraic over ˆˉK and P(X) its monic irreducible polynomial in ˆˉK[X]. Since ˉK is dense in ˆˉK, by proposition 2 we may choose Q(x)∈ˉK[X] with a root β∈ˆˉK such that ˆˉK(α)=ˆˉK(β). But ˆˉK(β)=ˆˉK so that α∈ˆˉK. ∎
Title | Krasner’s lemma |
Canonical name | KrasnersLemma |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:03:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:03:02 |
Owner | rm50 (10146) |
Last modified by | rm50 (10146) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | rm50 (10146) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 12J99 |
Classification | msc 11S99 |
Classification | msc 13H99 |