lattice of projections
Let H be a Hilbert space and B(H) the algebra of bounded operators
in H. By a projection in B(H) we always an orthogonal projection.
Recall that a projection P in B(H) is a bounded ( self-adjoint operator satisfying P2=P.
The set of projections in B(H), although not forming a vector space, has a very rich structure
. In this entry we are going to endow this set with a partial ordering in a that it becomes a complete lattice
. The lattice
structure of the set of projections has profound consequences on the structure of von Neumann algebras
1 The Lattice of Projections
In Hilbert spaces there is a bijective correspondence between closed subspaces and projections (see this entry ( This correspondence is given by
P⟷Ran(P) |
where P is a projection and Ran(P) denotes the range of P.
Since the set of closed subspaces can be partially ordered by inclusion, we can define a partial order ≤ in the set of projections using the above correspondence:
P≤Q⟺Ran(P)⊆Ran(Q) |
But since projections are self-adjoint operators (in fact they are positive operators, as P=P*P), they inherit the natural partial ordering of self-adjoint operators (, which we denote by ≤sa, and whose definition we recall now
P≤saQ⟺Q-Pis a positive operator |
As the following theorem shows, these two orderings coincide. Thus, we shall not make any more distinctions of notation between them.
Theorem 1 - Let P,Q be projections in B(H). The following conditions are equivalent:
Ran(P)⊆Ran(Q) (i.e. P≤Q)
∥Px∥≤∥Qx∥ for all x∈H
Two closed subspaces Y,Z in H have a greatest lower bound Y∧Z and a least upper bound Y∨Z. Specifically, Y∧Z is precisely the intersection
Y∩Z and Y∨Z is precisely the closure
of the subspace
generated by Y and Z. Hence, if P,Q are projections in B(H) then P∧Q is the projection onto Ran(P)∩Ran(Q) and P∨Q is the projection onto the closure of Ran(P)+Ran(Q).
The above discussion clarifies that the set of projections in B(H) has a lattice structure. In fact, the set of projections forms a complete lattice, by somewhat as above:
Every family {Yα} of closed subspaces in H possesses an infimum ⋀Yα and a supremum
⋁Yα, which are, respectively, the intersection of all Yα and the closure of the subspace generated by all Yα. There is, of course, a correspondent in terms of projections: every family {Pα} of projections has an infimum ⋀Pα and a supremum ⋁Pα, which are, respectively, the projection onto the intersection of all Ran(Pα) and the projection onto the closure of the subspace generated by all Ran(Pα).
2 Additional Lattice Features
The lattice of projections in B(H) is never distributive
( (unless H is one-dimensional).
Also, it is modular
if and only if H is finite dimensional. Nevertheless, there are important of von Neumann algebras (a particular type of subalgebras of B(H) that are ”rich” in projections) over an infinite-dimensional H, whose lattices of projections are in fact modular.
Projections on one-dimensional subspaces are usually called minimal projections and they are in fact minimal
in the sense that: there are no closed subspaces strictly between {0} and a one-dimensional subspace, and every closed subspace other than {0} contains a one-dimensional subspace. This means that the lattice of projections in B(H) is an atomic lattice and its atoms are precisely the projections on one-dimensional subspaces.
Moreover, every closed subspace of H is the closure of the span of its one-dimensional subspaces. Thus, the lattice of projections in B(H) is an atomistic lattice.
In Hilbert spaces every closed subspace Z is topologically complemented by its orthogonal complement
(H=Z⊕Z⟂), and this fact is reflected in the structure of projections. The lattice of projections is then an orthocomplemented lattice, where the orthocomplement of each projection is the projection (onto ).
We shall see further ahead in this entry, when we discuss orthogonal projections, that the lattice of projections in is an orthomodular lattice.
3 Commuting and Orthogonal Projections
When two projections commute, the projections and can be described algebraically in a very . We shall see at the end of this section that and commute precisely when its corresponding subspaces and are ”perpendicular
Theorem 2 - Let be commuting projections (i.e. ), then
. In particular, is closed.
Two projections are said to be orthogonal if . This is equivalent to say that its corresponding subspaces are orthogonal ( lies in the orthogonal complement of ).
Corollary 1 - Two projections are orthogonal if and only if . When this is so, then .
Corollary 2 - Let be projections in such that . Then is the projection onto .
We can now see that commute if and only if and are ”perpendicular”. A somewhat informal and intuitive definition of ”perpendicular” is that of requiring the two subspaces to be orthogonal outside their intersection (this is different of , since orthogonal subspaces do not intersect each other). More rigorously, and commute if and only if the subspaces and are orthogonal.
This can be proved using all the above results: The two subspaces are orthogonal iff
and iff
We can now also see that the lattice of projections is orthomodular: Suppose . Then, using the above results,
4 Nets of Projections
In the following we discuss some useful and interesting results about convergence and limits of projections.
Let be a poset. A net of projections is said to be increasing if . Decreasing nets are defined similarly.
Theorem 3 - Let be an increasing net of projections. Then for every .
In other words, converges to in the strong operator
Similarly for decreasing nets of projections,
Theorem 4 - Let be a decreasing net of projections. Then for every .
In other words, converges to in the strong operator topology.
Theorem 5 - Let be a set and be a family of pairwise orthogonal projections. Then is summable and for all .
Title | lattice of projections |
Canonical name | LatticeOfProjections |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:53:29 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:53:29 |
Owner | asteroid (17536) |
Last modified by | asteroid (17536) |
Numerical id | 14 |
Author | asteroid (17536) |
Entry type | Feature |
Classification | msc 46C07 |
Classification | msc 46C05 |
Classification | msc 06C15 |
Classification | msc 46L10 |
Synonym | projections in Hilbert spaces |
Related topic | OrthomodularLattice |
Related topic | QuantumLogic |
Related topic | ContinuousGeometry |
Defines | minimal projection |