polynomial identity algebra
Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Let X be a countable set of variables, and let R⟨X⟩ denote the free associative algebra over R. If X is finite, we can also write R⟨X⟩ as R⟨x1,…xn⟩, where the x′is∈X. Because of the freeness condition on the algebra, the variables are non-commuting among themselves. However, the variables do commute with elements of R. A typical element f of R⟨X⟩ is a polynomial
over R in n (finite) non-commuting variables of X.
Definition. Let A be a R-algebra and f=f(x1,…,xn)∈R⟨X⟩. For any a1,…,an∈A, f(a1,…,an)∈A is called an evaluation of f at n-tuple (a1,…,an). If the evaluation vanishes (=0) for all n-tuples of Πni=1A, then f is called a polynomial identity for A.
A polynomial f∈R⟨X⟩ is proper, or monic, if, in the homogeneous component of the highest degree in f, one of its monomials has coefficient = 1.
Definition. An algebra A over a commutative ring R is said to be a polynomial identity algebra over R, or a PI-algebra over R, if there is a proper polynomial f∈R⟨x1,…,xn⟩, such that f is a polynomial identity for A. A polynomial identity ring, or PI-ring, R is a polynomial identity ℤ-algebra.
A commutative ring is a PI-ring, satisfying the polynomial [x,y]=xy-yx.
A finite field (with q elements) is a PI-ring, satisfying xq-x.
The ring T of upper triangular n×n matrices over a field is a PI-ring. This is true because for any a,b∈T, ab-ba is strictly upper triangular (zeros along the diagonal). Any product
of n strictly upper triangular matrices
in T is 0. Therefore, T satisfies [x1,y1][x2,y2]⋯[xn,yn].
The ring S of 2×2 matrices over a field is a PI-ring. One can show that S satisfies [[x1,x2]2,x3]. This identity
is called the Hall identity.
A subring of a PI-ring is a PI-ring. A homomorphic image
of a PI-ring is a PI-ring.
One can show that a ring R with polynomial identity xn-x is commutative
. Thus, one sees that xn-x and xy-yx, although very different (one is homogeneous of degree 2 in 2 variables, the other one is not even homogeneous
, in one variable of degree n), are both polynomial identities for R.
Title | polynomial identity algebra |
Canonical name | PolynomialIdentityAlgebra |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:20:38 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:20:38 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 11 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 16U80 |
Classification | msc 16R10 |
Synonym | PI-algebra |
Synonym | algebra with polynomial identity |
Defines | Hall identity |